
Mummy print
A Mumiendruck [German: = "mummy print"] is the term for printing a publication on paper that has been made to look old by artificial means or even processed to make it appear mildewed. The best-known examples of mummy prints are from C. M. Seyppel: "Ägyptische Humoresken" ["Egyptian Humoresques"] (1882); "Er, Sie, Es" ["He, She, It"] (1883) and "Christoph Columbus Logbuch" ["Christopher Columbus' Diary"] (1884).
A Mumiendruck [German: = "mummy print"] is the term for printing a publication on paper that has been made to look old by artificial means or even processed to make it appear mildewed. The best-known examples of mummy prints are from C. M. Seyppel: "Ägyptische Humoresken" ["Egyptian Humoresques"] (1882); "Er, Sie, Es" ["He, She, It"] (1883) and "Christoph Columbus Logbuch" ["Christopher Columbus' Diary"] (1884).
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