Popular collecting fields Art

Always good for an auction record - works by the world's currently most acclaimed artists.
Always good for an auction record - works by the world's currently most acclaimed artists.

Abstraction or non-represetation - abstract art knows many and big names.
Abstraction or non-represetation - abstract art knows many and big names.

"Brücke", "Der Blaue Reiter" and the aftermath - grand art of expression that exalts the artist's subjective impression and is still captivating.
"Brücke", "Der Blaue Reiter" and the aftermath - grand art of expression that exalts the artist's subjective impression and is still captivating.

The master discipline of all genres and the artist's view on man has always brought forth the most famous artworks.
The master discipline of all genres and the artist's view on man has always brought forth the most famous artworks.

The depiction of the nude body has always been special, both for artists as well as for observers.
The depiction of the nude body has always been special, both for artists as well as for observers.

Mack, Piene and Uecker proclaimed the zero hour for art in the early 1960s, parallel with like-minded artist in France, Italy, the Netherlands and Japan.
Mack, Piene and Uecker proclaimed the zero hour for art in the early 1960s, parallel with like-minded artist in France, Italy, the Netherlands and Japan.

With Warhol, Lichtenstein and Rauschenberg Pop-Art began its triumphant success around the world. No other art tendency has had such decisive influence on our everyday life!
With Warhol, Lichtenstein and Rauschenberg Pop-Art began its triumphant success around the world. No other art tendency has had such decisive influence on our everyday life!

Non-representational artworks created by the concrete pictorial means color, line, surface, volume and space that have a timelessly valid expression.
Non-representational artworks created by the concrete pictorial means color, line, surface, volume and space that have a timelessly valid expression.

Both style and experiment - Op-Art still lets the walls shimmer and enthuses with unexpected optical phenomena.
Both style and experiment - Op-Art still lets the walls shimmer and enthuses with unexpected optical phenomena.

Those who like an intellectual challenge love concept art and its manifold variations.
Those who like an intellectual challenge love concept art and its manifold variations.

L'art informel, informal painting, Tachism, lyrical abstraction - works of the non-geometrical, impulsive line of tradition of abstract painting are in high demand again.
L'art informel, informal painting, Tachism, lyrical abstraction - works of the non-geometrical, impulsive line of tradition of abstract painting are in high demand again.

As artistic means of expression as manifold and up to date as hardly any other field.
As artistic means of expression as manifold and up to date as hardly any other field.

Both animal painting and sculpting, as well as graphic illustrations and depictions in photography or applied arts have their own significance.
Both animal painting and sculpting, as well as graphic illustrations and depictions in photography or applied arts have their own significance.

Representatives of Verism, Classicism and magic Realism from the years between the two world wars have some surprises in store.
Representatives of Verism, Classicism and magic Realism from the years between the two world wars have some surprises in store.

The surreal imagery of artists who combined dreams and reality in their works and formed an absolute reality still fascinates today's observers.
The surreal imagery of artists who combined dreams and reality in their works and formed an absolute reality still fascinates today's observers.

Beginning of Modernism or the end of academy painting - impressionist painting had a ground-breaking effect for following generations of artists.
Beginning of Modernism or the end of academy painting - impressionist painting had a ground-breaking effect for following generations of artists.

Technical perfection and the ability to capture ambience in their pictures has earned 19th century artists an increasing number of art lovers who treasured this kind of art.
Technical perfection and the ability to capture ambience in their pictures has earned 19th century artists an increasing number of art lovers who treasured this kind of art.

Works with these motifs are of high aesthetic value not only for music lovers.
Works with these motifs are of high aesthetic value not only for music lovers.

The distinguished works of the Munich School count among the sough-after works on the auction market with high return potential.
The distinguished works of the Munich School count among the sough-after works on the auction market with high return potential.

Amazing architecture - the two-dimensional illustration of the enclosed space has always been a subject for painters, who have produced impressive and sought-after works.
Amazing architecture - the two-dimensional illustration of the enclosed space has always been a subject for painters, who have produced impressive and sought-after works.

The Düsseldorf genre- and landscape painters of the 19th century were influential on styles all over the world and brought forth outstanding works.
The Düsseldorf genre- and landscape painters of the 19th century were influential on styles all over the world and brought forth outstanding works.

Picasso, Braque, Gris are its main representatives, however, many other acclaimed artists are attributed to this style.
Picasso, Braque, Gris are its main representatives, however, many other acclaimed artists are attributed to this style.

The world of sports and its motifs has always fascinated artists and art lovers.
The world of sports and its motifs has always fascinated artists and art lovers.

In 1957 the Munich painters Prem, HP Zimmer, Fischer, Sturm and others proclaimed the pending coup of modern abstract art.
In 1957 the Munich painters Prem, HP Zimmer, Fischer, Sturm and others proclaimed the pending coup of modern abstract art.

Among the artworks from this great and versatile century, not only art adepts will find, apart from the big names, exquisite and innovative works at affordable prices.
Among the artworks from this great and versatile century, not only art adepts will find, apart from the big names, exquisite and innovative works at affordable prices.

No other educational institution unfolded such impact and influence on architecture, art and design that lasts to date.
No other educational institution unfolded such impact and influence on architecture, art and design that lasts to date.
Popular collecting fields Book

Exquisite unique specimens from a time before the invention of printing machines are documents of their creator's craftsmanship and their lasting fascination with modern man.
Exquisite unique specimens from a time before the invention of printing machines are documents of their creator's craftsmanship and their lasting fascination with modern man.

Johann Gutenberg and his successors - Big names and groundbreaking works from the cradle of printing.
Johann Gutenberg and his successors - Big names and groundbreaking works from the cradle of printing.

The autumn of the Middle Ages and the beginning of the modern age - Books from the fascinating days of Humanism and Reformation.
The autumn of the Middle Ages and the beginning of the modern age - Books from the fascinating days of Humanism and Reformation.

From Galilei to Einstein and Konrad Zuse - Distinguished documents of discoveries and the evolution of science. +
From Galilei to Einstein and Konrad Zuse - Distinguished documents of discoveries and the evolution of science. +

Grand works on flora and fauna and their exploration.
Grand works on flora and fauna and their exploration.

Books about the curiosity for the world and its mysteries.
Books about the curiosity for the world and its mysteries.

The first printed editions of works from Shakespeare, Kant and Goethe all the way to Rilke, Böll and Rowling.
The first printed editions of works from Shakespeare, Kant and Goethe all the way to Rilke, Böll and Rowling.

From Dante to Hemingway - Big names from 1000 years of literature.
From Dante to Hemingway - Big names from 1000 years of literature.

Numbered de-luxe prints - rare special editions - signed master bindings.
Numbered de-luxe prints - rare special editions - signed master bindings.

Transformations in literature and arts at the beginning of the 20th century.
Transformations in literature and arts at the beginning of the 20th century.

Great ideas, commonplace and trivial things, as well as insight into private affairs in autographed documents from 500 years.
Great ideas, commonplace and trivial things, as well as insight into private affairs in autographed documents from 500 years.

Beyond the ordinary - quaint, unusual and even weird things around the book - Works about magic and alchemy, banned books, miniature books, stone books, mock books etc.
Beyond the ordinary - quaint, unusual and even weird things around the book - Works about magic and alchemy, banned books, miniature books, stone books, mock books etc.

Distinguished historical prints on economy, trade and money as well as milestones of legal literature.
Distinguished historical prints on economy, trade and money as well as milestones of legal literature.

The world in pictures for children. From old primers, illustrated fairy tales, the Struwwelpeter and movable books to The Chronicles of Narnia by C. S. Lewis and the works from Astrid Lindgren.
The world in pictures for children. From old primers, illustrated fairy tales, the Struwwelpeter and movable books to The Chronicles of Narnia by C. S. Lewis and the works from Astrid Lindgren.

Man does not live on bread alone - Luxury and popular culture from five centuries. Books about billiard and chess, horse coaches and ballooning, fashion and dance, theater and film, cooking and food.
Man does not live on bread alone - Luxury and popular culture from five centuries. Books about billiard and chess, horse coaches and ballooning, fashion and dance, theater and film, cooking and food.

The buildings of Vitruvius - wooden mills and bridges, modern garden architecture, Russian 20th century utopian architecture, Bauhaus - all that can be discovered in books, too.
The buildings of Vitruvius - wooden mills and bridges, modern garden architecture, Russian 20th century utopian architecture, Bauhaus - all that can be discovered in books, too.