The international auction house for buying and selling of works by Johann Prüss
*  1447 Herbrechtingen
† 1510 Straßburg

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Johann Prüss
book symbol
Johann der Ältere Prüss was born in Herbrechtingen in Württemberg in 1447. His name is also found in the following variations: Prues, Bryse, Pryss, Pruss. In 1474, Prüss began his studies in Ingolstadt. From 1480 until 1510, he worked as a printer, publisher, and book dealer at the house "Zum Thiergarten" in Strasbourg. Though a great number of his printings are preserved, little is known about his origins and circumstances. Many of his printworks appeared without the mark of a printing firm. Therefore the piece "Statuta prouincialia vetera et nous" (1482) is attributed to him based on the print type used. The first and three subsequent editions of "Ortus saniatais de herbis et plantis" are also accredited to Prüss. While "Martirologium der heilgen nach dem Kalender" displays his name in the work, only the place and year of printing appear on the works "Sermones Thesauri noui de Sanctis" from 1484 , "Rationale diuinorum officiorum" from 1486, and "Malleus maleficarum" from 1487. Despite numerous printing commissions of his own, he also printed for Johann Knobloch in Strasbourg. Prüss hung his own shingle and monogram from 1480 until 1527. Prüss' son took over the family firm in 1527, with his son-in-law taking over later. He died on Strasbourg sometime between 1510 and 1516.

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