Valuation Days, Dates

Expertly - Free - Nearby!
You own an artwork by a renowned artist, an entire collection or a valuable antiquarian book and consider selling these objects?

Benefit from our valuation days for a free and absolutely non-binding first evaluation. We are looking forward to meeting you and your artworks on one of the dates specified below. You may also make an individual appointment.

Meet our expert's at our headquarters in Munich or at our branches in Stuttgart, Hamburg, Cologne, Frankfurt and Berlin. As an additional service, they will also be happy to call on you!

Make an appointment:

Get in touch with one of our experts directly or send an e-mail to:
Call us on (+49)-89- 55 244 0.
We are looking forward to meeting you!

+ modern art
+ post war / contemporary art
+ art of the 19th century

Hamburg      September 07,
Berlin           September 11,
Frankfurt     September 13
Cologne      September 15,
Stuttgart      September 20,