Sale: 428 / Modern Art, Dec. 03./05. 2015 in Munich Lot 288

Renée Sintenis
Grosse Daphne, 1930.
€ 70,000 / $ 77,000
€ 162,500 / $ 178,750

(incl. surcharge)
Grosse Daphne. 1930.
Bronze with brown patina.
Berger/Ladwig 117. With name in lower right and with foundry mark "H.NOACK BERLIN" on rear. Height: 144 cm (56.6 in).

Next to the Berlin bear the artist's largest bronze.

EXHIBITION: Behnhaus/Bürgergärten, Lubeck (different copy).
Museum of Modern Art, New York (different copy).
Museum Luwig, Cologne (different copy).
Karl-Ernst-Osthaus-Museum, Hagen (different copy).
Dialog Skulptur, Kulturspeicher Würzburg 10 May-20 August, 2006 (presumably different copy).

LITERATURE: Selection:
Kunstwerke des 20. Jahrhunderts, Solingen 12 June - 28 August, 1960.
Mythos und Metamorphose, ex. cat. Gerhard-Marcks-Haus 22 November, 2009 - 21 February, 2010.

With the "Daphne" Renée Sintenis presumably created the finest expression of female grace. The story of Daphne is part of the Metamorphoses by Ovid: Daphne, daughter of the water god Peneius, is hassled by Apoll and metamorphoses into a laurel by her own request. Sintenis hints at this transformation only in terms of the leaves growing out of her ankles, the hair and certain parts of her body and entirely focuses on the fragile physicality, which anticipates the metamorphosis through the elongated limbs. The ambivalence between femininity and the opportunity to disappear instantly, may have suited Renée Sintenis' personality. Sintenis made a "Kleine Daphne" in 1917. By commission of the museum director Carl G. Heise she made a larger version in 1930, this gilded copy is in possession of the Fritz Behn House in Lubeck today.

Renée Sintenis
Grosse Daphne, 1930.
€ 70,000 / $ 77,000
€ 162,500 / $ 178,750

(incl. surcharge)