Sale: 427 / Old Masters and Art of the 19th Century, Nov. 20. 2015 in Munich Lot 58

Joseph Heintz d. J.
Der Maskenball (il Ridotto)
Oil on canvas
€ 35,000 / $ 38,500
€ 37,500 / $ 41,250

(incl. surcharge)
Der Maskenball (il Ridotto). Mid 17th century.
Oil on canvas.
122 x 172.5 cm (48 x 67.9 in).
Verso of stretcher with typographically inscribed label. [CB].

It seems that Heintz'had an interest in rather profane issues, so that his particular importance for Venetian painting is not rooted in the genre of religious commissions . He earned his merits for the illustration of aspects of Venetian cultural history through his pictures of festive state ceremonies of the Serenissima and public festivals such as bullfights and the like. He repeated some of them, for instance the 'Der Faustkampf auf der Brücke' (Fist Fight on a Bridgex ) so often that it can be assumed that these subjects were particularly popular with visitors of Venice. He animated the scenes of festivities and the Serenissima's acts of state with numerous small figures in various poses, so that Heintz stands in the tradition of, among others, Carpaccio, Gentile Bellini, Bassani and Andrea Vicentino. At the same time he was one of the direct precursors of the famous veduta painters Luca Carlevarijs and Canaletto […]." (Jürgen Zimmer, AKL).

Joseph Heintz d. J.
Der Maskenball (il Ridotto)
Oil on canvas
€ 35,000 / $ 38,500
€ 37,500 / $ 41,250

(incl. surcharge)