Sale: 397 / Rare Books, Nov. 19./20. 2012 in Hamburg Lot 12

Sebastian Brant
Stultifera navis. 1498.
€ 14,000 / $ 15,400
€ 19,200 / $ 21,120

(incl. surcharge)
Brant, S., Stultifera navis. Narragonice profectionis nuncq latis laudata navis .. Atqu(e) iam pride(m) per Iacobu(m) Locher, cognome(n)to Philomusum: Sueuu(m) in latinu(m) traducta eloquiu(m). With 119 (5 repeated) woodcuts in text and woodcut printer's device at the end. Paris, [Georg Wolff for] Geoffroi de Marnef 8. March 1498. Calf of the 18. century with gilt floral spine. 4to. 152 rom. numb., 4 n. numb. ll.

GW 5064. - Hain/Cop. 3753. - Goff B-1092. - BMC VIII, 150. - Pellechet 2824. - Proctor 8381. - Schäfer 82. - Cf. PMM 37. - Not in Polain, BSB and Murray. - The enlarged Latin edition of Brant's famous 'Narrenschiff', translated by Jacob Locher, printed by G. Wolff for the Parisien publisher Geoffroi de Marnef. With woodcuts from the same blocks used in the edition by G. de Marnef und J. Philipp from 1497. "Reprint from one or other of the two original editions signed by Bergmann (de Older) at Basle on 1 August, 1497 and 1 March, 1498 respectively" (BMC). According to Schäfer Cat. a reprint of the Basler edition from 1 August 1497. The Lyoner edition by Sacon is printed after the present. - 1 l. with rebacked marginal tear, some ll. cropped close to the fore edge (1 woodcut cropped close in the border line, some printed marginal notes with slightly loss of letters). Some leaves slightly stained. Spine rebacked preserving odl spine. Otherwise a very good copy with strong impressions of the woodcuts. - Bookplate William Howard of Hartley House (1774-1860) and Guy de Pourtales (1881-1941).

Sebastian Brant
Stultifera navis. 1498.
€ 14,000 / $ 15,400
€ 19,200 / $ 21,120

(incl. surcharge)