Sale: 284 / Rare Books, Nov. 17./18. 2003 Lot 176

Bellini, L.
De urinis et pulsibus.
€ 300 / $ 330
€ 230 / $ 253

(incl. surcharge)
Bellini, L., De urinis et pulsibus.. Leiden, Kerckhem 1717.Ldr. d. Zt. 4to. 12 Bll., 679 S., 12 Bll.
Blake S. 40. - Surgeon General's Office Libr. 2/II, 217. - Hirsch/Hüb. I, 447. - Vgl. Wellcome II, 140. - "Bellini began to develop his hydraulic iatromechanics in this work, in which he considered the blood as a physical fluid with simple mechanical and mathematicizable properties ... realized the value of the urine as an aid to diagnosis and insisted on its chemical analysis in pathological conditions" (Garrison/Morton 762.1 und 4162). - Flieg. Vorsatz mit kl. Randabschnitt, VGelenk erneuert, Rücken und Kanten berieben.

Bellini, L.
De urinis et pulsibus.
€ 300 / $ 330
€ 230 / $ 253

(incl. surcharge)