Sale: 296 / Rare Books, Nov. 21./22. 2005 Lot 1073

(Pseud. Elisabeth v. Rumänien) Carmen Sylva
Masch. Brief. 9. Febr. 1904., 1904.
€ 300 / $ 330
€ 274 / $ 301

(incl. surcharge)
Carmen Sylva. Masch. Brief m. U. sowie eigh. Korrekturen und längerem Nachsatz.Bukarest, 9. II. 1904.6 1/2 S. Quer-4to. In Englisch.
Sehr ausführlicher und inhaltsreicher Brief an J. C. Young, in dem sie über eine Vielzahl von Gegenständen parliert. Breiten Raum nehmen dabei ihre karitativen Projekte ein: "...The society for the poor I founded in the hour in which, the king hdad sent his abdication befo the parliament, is only now really flourishing after three and thirty years ... I am just now organising so many things, a blindscool, and an new orphanage, in the house and under the care of my sisters of charity, I think it will be very good ..." - Weiterhin über die Rumänen und ihre Rolle als Königin: "...You will never make a maid out of a roumanian, they hate serving, they all want to learn, an to use their brains, but not serve! It is very curious. The peasants reproached their masters for letting their daughters become ladies in waiting me: ' How can you let your daghter become a servant!' Even the grande maitresse is considered less by the peasants, a she serves! Isnt it curious? As if we dindt serve - the king and me! We are almost slaves!!!!! ..." - Ferner über literarische Arbeiten, besonders über ihre Übersetzung rumänischer Sagen: "I dont quite understand what roumanian legends you write about, I dont think there are any others, than mine, except, one lady, who stole them from me and published them with slight changes under the name of legends of the carpathianr. But I had inwented them all, they are no real legends! except One! but I made people believe I had found them ... I laughed a great deal, but I was angry as well. - Only Helen Vacaresco has found real things, and made that wonderful book of them which I translated into german and English, with some corrections by an english lady. I wrote on thoousand pages in a month, and a little after that I wrorte an novel of sixhundred large full printpages, in a month! That was quick work, wasnt it? Now I cant work at all, I am so tired! Oh how I wish I could got to Segenhaus, an stay there for the rest of my days and be quiet ..." - Nach einer zweitätigen Unterbrechung fährt sie fort mit Betrachtungen über den eben ausgebrochenen Russisch-Japanischen Krieg: "Since I begun my letter war has broken out, and everybody feels it so, as if it was near, and is if not he whole of Asia was between us and dthe belligerants ... I feel as if earth was a kind of quicksand, and everything beginning to move in the present moment ... A good lady wrote to my, that she had the kings picture framed vith topazes, as that stone is supposed to keep you from sudden and violent death. Isnt that simply delicious? And she costs me a lot of money, a she is constatly dying of hunger and only lives on my munificence! I bought myself one hat, in three years, in order to be able to go on with my charities, and she frames the kings picture in topazes! Its too delicious! And he himself wishes for a violent death, a real soldiers death, as illness is to him a nightmare ..." - Am Schluß schreibt sie eigenhändig: "I send a volume but as I cant write often I try to put as much thoughts as possible into one letter ..." - Mit zahlr. Tippfehlern.

(Pseud. Elisabeth v. Rumänien) Carmen Sylva
Masch. Brief. 9. Febr. 1904., 1904.
€ 300 / $ 330
€ 274 / $ 301

(incl. surcharge)