Sale: 348 / Rare Books, Nov. 17./18. 2008 in Hamburg Lot 171

Antonio de Ferrari - Liber de situ elementorum. 1558 (60)

Antonio de Ferrari
Liber de situ elementorum. 1558 (60)
€ 250 / $ 275
€ 324 / $ 356

(incl. surcharge)
Ferrari, A. de, Liber de situ elementorum. With 1 woodcut in the text and serveral woodcut initials. Basel, P. Perna 1558. Late half vellum. 8vo. 143 pp., 8 ll.
VD 16, F 783. - BM STC, German Books p. 301. - Not in Adams. - First edition. - Rare collection of small treatises by the humanist Antonio de Ferrari. Contains: I. De situ elementorum. II. De situ terrarum. III. Argonautica, sive de peregrinatione. IV. Libellus de mari & aquis. V. De fluviorum generibus. - Also with: Fox Morcillo, S., De aquarum generibus. - Dampstained, 9 ll. with defective corner (partly rebacked).
First edition. Scarce collection of treatises. With woodcut in text and some woodcut initials. New half vellum. - Dampstained, 9 leaves with defective corner (partly backed).

Antonio de Ferrari
Liber de situ elementorum. 1558 (60)
€ 250 / $ 275
€ 324 / $ 356

(incl. surcharge)