Sale: 385 / Rare Books, Nov. 21. 2011 in Hamburg Lot 1083

George Manville Fenn - Wild animal stories. 1898 (92)

George Manville Fenn
Wild animal stories. 1898 (92)
€ 400 / $ 440
€ 360 / $ 396

(incl. surcharge)
Manville Fenn, C., Wild animal stories. A panorama picture book. Mit 6 farblithogr. Pop-up-Tafeln und 34 Illustrationen. London und New York, E. Nister und E. P. Dutton [um 1898]. OHLwd. mit farb. VDeckelillustration. Quer-Folio. 8 Bll.

Hunt S. 296, 328 (mit Abbildung) und 344. - Haining S. 60-64 (mit Abbildungen). - Erste Ausgabe. - Verlags-Nr. 867. - Gut erhaltenes Pop-up-Kinderbuch, das den Leser auf eine Reise durch die wilde Tierwelt unseres Planetens einlädt. "This title appears to have been a favourite with young Americans, and no doubt the canny Nister had this in mind when he included a bison among the six animals which were featured. The Text was by one of the most popular and prolific writers of boys' book of the time, George Manville Fenn (1831-1909)" (Haining S. 60). Zu Bison gesellen sich Löwe, Braunbären, Jaguar, Elefanten und Eisbären (die Reihenfolge der Taf. von Hunt abweichend).

First edition. - Publishing no. 867. - Well-preserved pop-up- children book. W ith 6 color-lithogr. pop-up-plates and 34 illustrations. Orig. half cloth with front board illu. in colors. Oblong folio. 8 ll.

George Manville Fenn
Wild animal stories. 1898 (92)
€ 400 / $ 440
€ 360 / $ 396

(incl. surcharge)