Sale: 328 / Rare Books, Nov. 19./20. 2007 in Hamburg Lot 515

Ch. A. Walckenaer - Le Monde Maritime, 2 Bde. 1819

Ch. A. Walckenaer
Le Monde Maritime, 2 Bde. 1819
€ 300 / $ 330
€ 384 / $ 422

(incl. surcharge)
Walckenaer, C. A., Le monde maritime ou tableau géographique et historique de l'Archipel d'Orient, de la Polynésie, et de, l'Australie. 2 vols. With 12 coloured copperplates, 8 coloured aquatint plates, 1 coloured copperplate and 1 l. engr. notes. Paris, Nepveu 1819. Contemp. hallf calf. 8vo. 3 ll., XXXI, 312 pp.; 2 ll., 284 pp.
Brunet VI, 1046. - Not in Ferguson, Du Ritz and further corresponding bibliographies. - Second edition of the rare description of islands in the south Pacific, their inhabitants, customs, languages, conventions, political and economical conditions and costumes. Covers the islands Sumatra, Java, Bali, Flores, Timor, Sumbava and several smaller islands. - The first edition was published in a smaller format one year earlier. The description of Australia, announced in the title, has never been published again. - Partly somewhat waterstained, else hardly stained, title with marginal piece torn off. Binding partly scraped, 1 spine with small damages.

Ch. A. Walckenaer
Le Monde Maritime, 2 Bde. 1819
€ 300 / $ 330
€ 384 / $ 422

(incl. surcharge)