Sale: 260 / Rare Books, Nov. 19./20. 2001 Lot 209

Morris, F. O. - British birds

Morris, F. O.
British birds
€ 767 / $ 844
€ 646 / $ 710

(incl. surcharge)
Morris, F. O., A history of British birds. Second edition. 6 Bde. Mit 365 kolor. lithogr. Tafeln. London, G. Bell 1870. HLdr. d. Zt. mit reicher RVerg. und GGoldschnitt. Gr.-8vo.

Nissen, Vogelb. 645. - Zimmer S. 443: "voluminous work of general nature, containing a mass of information". - Freeman 2670. - Vgl. Anker 346: "comprehensive and very popular work". - Zweite Ausgabe des mehrfach aufgelegten ornithologischen Werks, die Erstausgabe erschien 1850-68. - "The work deals broadly with individual species, for instance as regards their distribution, occurence in the British Isles, and habits, the birds themselves and their eggs being also described ... A good feature of the work is the many figures of British birds shown on its hand-coloured plates, for which the woodblocks were originally engraved by the printer of the first edition, B. Fawcett, largely from drawings by Richard Alington." (Anker) - Die schönen Tafeln zeigen verschied. Singvögel, Tauben, Fasane, Eulen, Greifvögel, Krähen, Buntspechte, Möwen, Enten, Papageientaucher, Störche, Reiher etc. - Nur vereinz. gering stockfleckig. Kanten und Außengelenke berieben, Kapitale tlw. mit kl. Läsuren, Außengelenke vereinz. eingerissen, 2 Deckel nahezu gelöst.

365 coloured lithogr. plates. 6 vols. Contemporary half calf with rich gilt spine and gilt edges. - Second edition. - Only here and there very slight foxing. Edges and outer joints rubbed, extremities of spine partly with little damages, outer joints occasionally torn, 1 front and 1 back cover nearly detached.

Morris, F. O.
British birds
€ 767 / $ 844
€ 646 / $ 710

(incl. surcharge)