Sale: 526 / Rare Books, May 30. 2022 in Hamburg Lot 111

Girolamo Mercuriale
De arte gymnastica, 1573.
€ 1,000 / $ 1,100
€ 875 / $ 962

(incl. surcharge)
Girolamo Mercuriale
De arte gymnastica libri sex. Secunda editione aucti, & multis figuris ornati. Venedig, Giunta 1573.

Erste illustrierte Ausgabe, zugleich das erste illustrierte Buch über Gymnastik. "This is one of the earliest books to discuss the therapeutic value of gymnastics and sports generally for the cure of disease and disability" (Garrison/Morton).

Die berühmten Holzschnitte der Renaissance-Künstler Cristoforo Coriolani und Pirro Ligorio zeigen Sportarten wie Boxen, Kugelstoßen, Diskuswerfen, Ringen, Schwimmen u. a. - "Mercuriale is, however, best remembered for his classic work on gymnastics, the first book on exercise and health, first published in 1569 (without illustrations) dedicated to Cardinal Farnese. The second edition (1573), dedicated to Maximilian II, is the first illustrated book on gymnastics, written not as a medical textbook in technical language but in a colloquial, informal style for 'all people interested in health'; the text examines in extensive detail the principles and rules of exercise. It is also a history of the attitudes and practices of the Greeks and Romans in regard to diet, hygiene, bathing, and exercise, and their effects on health and disease" (Lownes Coll., zitiert nach Kinetic Jottings).

EINBAND: Halblederband des 17. Jhs. mit Rückenschild. 4to. 25 : 17 cm. - ILLUSTRATION: Mit Holzschnitt-Druckermarken auf dem Titel und am Ende, zahlreichen Holzschnitt-Initialen sowie 24 (23 ganzseitigen) Textholzschnitten von Cristoforo Coriolani nach Pirro Ligorio. - KOLLATION: 6 Bll., 308 (recte 312) S., 14 Bll. - ZUSTAND: Nur vereinz. leicht fleckig, sonst sauber und breitrandig. Einbd. berieben und etw. bestoßen, Gelenke brüchig. - PROVENIENZ: Aus der Sammlung Louis-Bénigne Baudot (1765-1844), Innendeckel mit dessen hs. Besitzeintrag. Exlibris entfernt.

LITERATUR: Mortimer 302. - Adams M 1320. - BM STC, Italian Books S. 434. - Wellcome 4225. - Vgl. Kinetic Jottings S. 24 und Garrison/Morton 1986, 1.

"The first illustrated book on gymnastics" (Kinetic Jottings). Second edition of this classic, the first with the famous illustrations by Cristoforo Coriolani after Pirro Ligorio. Contains woodcut printer's devices, woodcut initials and 24 (23 fullpage) woodcuts in text. 17th cent. half calf with label on spine. - Only here and there minor staining, else clean and with wide margins. Binding rubbed and somewhat bumped, joints brittle. From the collection of Louis-Bénigne Baudot.

Girolamo Mercuriale
De arte gymnastica, 1573.
€ 1,000 / $ 1,100
€ 875 / $ 962

(incl. surcharge)