Sale: 348 / Rare Books, Nov. 17./18. 2008 in Hamburg Lot 134

Theodorus de Beza - Poemata varia. 1597 - 1 Werk angeb. (42)

Theodorus de Beza
Poemata varia. 1597 - 1 Werk angeb. (42)
€ 900 / $ 990
€ 1,080 / $ 1,188

(incl. surcharge)
Beza, Th., Poemata varia ... Omnia ab ipso auctore in unum nuc corpus collecta & recognita. With woodcut printer's device on title , 2 engr. armorial lockets, 40 emblematic woodcuts in the text in figurative woodcut border, 1 armorial woodcut in border and 4 blank woodcut borders. [Geneva, H. Estienne and J. Stoer] 1597 . 8 ll., 372 (recte 374) pp. - Bound in: Lipsius, J., De constantia libri duo, qui alloquium praecipue continent in publicis malis. Ultima editio, castigata. With engr. title vignette. Antwerp, Plantin (Joh. Moretus) 1605. 8 ll., 86 pp., 5 ll. - Early 19th century boards. 4to.
I: Index Aurel. 118.867. - Adams B 931. - Schreiber 227. - Landwehr 156. - Praz S. 270. - First edition of this collection of emblematic woodcuts. "First edition of the collected poetry of Calvin's successor in Geneva, including poems in four languages: Latin, Greek, Hebrew, and French ... The Emblemata are illustrated with 40 fine cuts, each within an elaborate border." (Schreiber) - II: Latin edition of the famous treatise on consistency by Lipsius. First published in 1584. - Cropped close in places of head margin, the attached work trimmed at sides (partly affecting the printed marginalia). Corners slightly bumped.
First complete edition. With 40 fine emblematic woodcuts in figured border, 2 engr. coat-of-arms, 4 empty cartouches, 1 woodcut coat-of arms and woodcut printer's device on title. 19th cent. cardboards. - 1 work bound in (Lipsius, De constantia libri). - Partly cropped close (in the 2nd work affecting the printed marginalia). Edges slightly bumped.

Theodorus de Beza
Poemata varia. 1597 - 1 Werk angeb. (42)
€ 900 / $ 990
€ 1,080 / $ 1,188

(incl. surcharge)