Sale: 266 / Rare Books, May 06./07. 2002 Lot 75

Bourguet, L.
Traité des Pétrifications
€ 800 / $ 880
€ 1,093 / $ 1,202

(incl. surcharge)
[Bourguet, L. und P. Cartier], Traité des pétrifications. Mit 60 Kupfertafeln. Paris, Briasson 1742.Schlichter Pp. d. Zt. 4to. XVI, 91 S., 1 Bl.
DSB XV, 56. - Poggendorff I, 261. - Barbier IV, 785. - Vgl. Nissen 498 (mit Den Haager Verlagsadresse). - Erste Ausgabe. - Seltenes Werk über Fossilien, die Tafeln mit insg. 440 Darstellungen zeigen überwieg. Muscheln, ferner verschied. Keile, Schnecken, Steinkerne etc. - "The atlas, with its succinct explanatory text, its extensive bibliography of European paleontology ... and its list of the world's recorded fossiliferous localities, was the first of its kind to be published in French. Bourguet sought to arrange all mineral and organic species in a single chain, a series characterized by imperceptible gradations leading from the simplest (mineral) products of nature to be most complex: a concrete representation of the Great Chain of Being." (DSB) - Breitrandiges, unbeschnittenes Exemplar. - 1 Bl. mit Eintragungen von alter Hd. Einbd. beschabt, Gelenke brüchig.

Bourguet, L.
Traité des Pétrifications
€ 800 / $ 880
€ 1,093 / $ 1,202

(incl. surcharge)