Sale: 385 / Rare Books, Nov. 21. 2011 in Hamburg Lot 495

Rubricae iuris civilis - Rubrice digesti veteris. (B24)

Rubricae iuris civilis
Rubrice digesti veteris. (B24), 1478.
€ 2,500 / $ 2,750
€ 2,400 / $ 2,640

(incl. surcharge)
Rubricae iuris civilis per alphabetum ordinatae. With lombards drawn in in red and rubricated in red. Pavia, Franciscus de Sancto Petro, 6 February 1478. Late vellum. 4to. 35 (of 36) unnumb. ll. Roman type.

Reichling 1860. - GW M39042. - IGI 8464. - Not in relevant bibliographies, not in JAP and ABPC. Extremely rare early print , just 2 copies known! (Milan, Pavia). - Second edition of the alphabetically organized index for Justinian's body of laws, first released in Padua in 1473 and increased by 'Rubricae iuris civilis et canonici in 1485. - Lacking l. A4. with waterstains all the way through, title with old ownership entry (partly crossed out). Spine with 2 small blemishes.

Only recorded by Reichling, GW and IGI, only 2 copies are known (Milano and Pavia), extremely scarce! With red lombard and paragraph marks in red. 35 (of 36) nn. leaves, lacking A4. - Waterstaining throughout, title with old ownership inscription (partly crossed out). Spine with 2 small defective spots.

Rubricae iuris civilis
Rubrice digesti veteris. (B24), 1478.
€ 2,500 / $ 2,750
€ 2,400 / $ 2,640

(incl. surcharge)