Sale: 22 / Online Sale, March 15. 2024 Lot 122000277

Karl Schmidt-Rottluff
Bärtiger Mann, 1921.
Pen and India ink drawing
€ 1,500 / $ 1,650
€ 3,429 / $ 3,771

(incl. surcharge)
Bärtiger Mann. 1921.
Pen and India ink drawing.
With the artist's Jershöft address stamp on the reverse. On a postcard. 15.5 x 10.4 cm (6.1 x 4 in), almost the full sheet.
Postcard to Cecilia Valentiner, Berlin. Verso with the postage stamp Jershöft, Schlawe district, from August 30, 1921 and with information on the addressee: "I. H. Frau Dr. C. Valentiner Berlin NW, In den Zelten 19", sowie mit den Grußworten Karl Schmidt-Rottluffs: "Sehr geehrte Frau Valentiner, was mögen Sie denken, dass ich für Ihren Brief garnicht danke? Arbeit u. ein ordentlich Stück teutsche Faulheit haben mich daran gehindert. - Wie geht's Ihnen und dem Valentinerkind? - Und hat wirklich Ihr Mann Amerikaaussichten? Alle schönen Grüsse - auch von meiner Frau Ihr S. R." [CH].

• During his second stay in Jershöft, Schmidt-Rottluff sent the postcard to Cecilia Valentiner, the wife of art historian Wilhelm Valentiner, curator at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York (1908-1914) and director of the Detroit Institute of Arts (1924-1945).
• The artist playfully combines various formal elements to create a human form.
• The self-made postcards by the "Brücke" artists are regarded as an independent group of works with special art-historical significance today.
• Comparable postcards by the artist can be found in the collections of the Berlinische Galerie Museum für moderne Kunst, Berlin, the Brücke-Museum Berlin and the Museum Ludwig, Cologne

PROVENANCE: Maria Cecilia Valentiner (née Odefey), Berlin (from the artist in 1921).
Frankfurter Kunstkabinett Hanna Bekker vom Rath, Frankfurt a. Main.
Hermann Gerlinger Collection, Würzburg (acquired from the above in 1997, with the collector's stamp, Lugt 6032)).

EXHIBITION: Schleswig-Holsteinisches Landesmuseum Schloss Gottorf, Schleswig (permanent loan from the Hermann Gerlinger Collection, 1995-2001).
Kunstmuseum Moritzburg, Halle an der Saale (permanent loan from the Hermann Gerlinger Collection, 2001-2017).
Buchheim Museum, Bernried (permanent loan from the Hermann Gerlinger Collection, 2017-2022).

LITERATURE: Hermann Gerlinger, Katja Schneider (eds.), Die Maler der Brücke. Inventory catalog Hermann Gerlinger Collection, Halle (Saale) 2005, p. 95, SHG no. 202 (illu.).
Gerhard Wietek, Karl Schmidt-Rottluff. Zeichnungen auf Postkarten, Cologne 2010, cat. no. 159, pp. 464f. (full-page illu., p. 465).

In good condition. The used postcard with slight traces of use and a faint diagonal crease in the right side of the sheet and in the lower left corner. Verso with small traces of previous mounting, partly with slight greasing.

Karl Schmidt-Rottluff
Bärtiger Mann, 1921.
Pen and India ink drawing
€ 1,500 / $ 1,650
€ 3,429 / $ 3,771

(incl. surcharge)