Sale: 427 / Old Masters and Art of the 19th Century, Nov. 20. 2015 in Munich Lot 158

Hermann Ottomar Herzog
Wassermühle am tosenden Gebirgsbach, 1870.
Oil on canvas
€ 3,000 / $ 3,300
€ 3,750 / $ 4,125

(incl. surcharge)
Wassermühle am tosenden Gebirgsbach. 1870.
Oil on canvas.
Signed and dated lower right. 75 x 106 cm (29.5 x 41.7 in). [CB].

PROVENANCE: Collection Louis Momm, director of Turkey red dye factory Forest/Vorst near Brussels (2nd half of 19th century), ever since in family possession.

Hermann Herzog studied under Schirmer at the Dusseldorf Academy and also took private lessons from Andreas Achenbach and Hans Fredrik Gude. In the following he traveled throughout Europe visiting mainly mountainous regions. Lively and wild mountains landscapes became his main motif, mostly executed in large formats and with dramatic light effects. In 1861 Herzog traveled to North America for the first time, where he eventually settled a few years later. He remained an active artist up into an old age and had his last exhibition together with his son Lewis in New York in 1931. At the age of almost hundred he died in his adopted home Philadelphia in 1932.

Hermann Ottomar Herzog
Wassermühle am tosenden Gebirgsbach, 1870.
Oil on canvas
€ 3,000 / $ 3,300
€ 3,750 / $ 4,125

(incl. surcharge)