Sale: 436 / Modern Art I, Dec. 10. 2016 in Munich Lot 245

Georg Kolbe
Sitzende, 1926.
€ 50,000 / $ 55,000
€ 97,500 / $ 107,250

(incl. surcharge)
Sitzende. 1926.
Bronze with gold-brown patina.
Berger 91. With monogram in ligature and the foundry mark: "H. Noack Berlin Friedenau" on the base. One 66 lifetime casts. 28.5 x 25.5 x 18 cm (11.2 x 10 x 7 in).

An excellent early cast of one of Kolbe's most popular sculptures.
With a written expertise from Dr. Ursel Berger dated 20 October, 2016.

PROVENANCE: Collection Paul and Herta Rohs, Radevormwald.
Private collection North Rhine-Westphalia.

EXHIBITION: Other copies are in possession of the following museums:
Karl-Ernst-Osthaus-Museum, Hagen.
Collections of the city of Magdeburg.

LITERATURE: Each different copy:
Richard Scheibe und Georg Kolbe. Georg Kolbe 100 Lichtdrucktafeln. Marburg 1931, plates 54 and 55 a,b.
Rudolf G. Binding. Vom Leben der Plastik. Inhalt und Schönheit des Werkes von Georg Kolbe. Berlin, no date (around 1936), p. 40 with illu.

The marvelous intimacy of the seated lady must have been the reason for its popularity. While Kolbe's works from before the early 1920s were characterized by a voluminous gesture, this sculpture from 1926 shows a shift towards an increased formal closeness, which would play an important role in Kolbe's following creation. Despite the entwined extremities, the plastics impression is all about an inner focus on physicalness. The harmony of all parts leads to an impression of composure and calmness, the slightly tilted head increases this effect even more. This work was preceded by the figure " Kauernde" (Squatted) from 1925, executed in similar posture, which Georg Kolbe made for the Simon Fountain in Berlin-Tiergarten. It is for the figure's raised head alone that it does not emanate as much contemplation as it is the case with this bronze. [KD]

Georg Kolbe
Sitzende, 1926.
€ 50,000 / $ 55,000
€ 97,500 / $ 107,250

(incl. surcharge)