Sale: 397 / Rare Books, Nov. 19./20. 2012 in Hamburg Lot 9

Lucius Coelius Firmianus Lactantius - Opera. 1472.

Lucius Coelius Firmianus Lactantius
Opera. 1472.
€ 18,000 / $ 19,800
€ 16,800 / $ 18,480

(incl. surcharge)
Lactantius, L. C. F., Opera. With appendix "Epithomon". With 9 Florentine decorative initials in red, blue, green and yellow with white tendrild, also with numerous drawn-in lombards and paraph signs alternating in red and blue. [Venice], Wendelin von Speyer 1472. 19th century half calf with blind- and gilt tooling. 32,5 : 23,5 cm. 198 unnumb. ll. (first and last blank) as well as 7 unnumb. ll. appendix (lacking last blank). Roman Type with Greek interspersions. 41 lines.

Fifth edition, printed in Venice's first print shop, founded by Johannes von Speyer in 1469 and continued after his death in 1470 by his brother Wendelin. Copy with the mostly lacking appendix titled "Nephitomon" (7 ll.). Very nice and broad-margined antiqua print with numerous parts in Greek and charming Florentine initial decorations. Contains works by Laktantius: 'Divinae institutiones'; 'De ira dei'; 'De opificio dei'; 'De ave Phoenice'; also excerpts from Ovid's 'Metamorphoses' and from Dante's 'La Commedia'. Also with 'Epitome divinarum institutionum' as well as the errata for Lactantius by Antonius Raudensis and the scolding poem against Antonius by Adam Genuensis. With preface to reader, quotations on Lactantius from Hieronymus' 'De viris illustribus' and from a letter by Leonardus Brunus to Costanza Varano Sforza. Before colophon with the rhymed colophon from Laktantius edition by Adam von Ammergau, followed by the mostly lacking 7 ll. appendix Epithomon . - Lacking last blank of appendix. - Partly minim. browning or staining (first and last leaves somewhat stronger), 3 leaves with ms. headline in majuscules by a 18th/19th cent. hand, first blank leaf soiled and with stamp of Ampleforth Abbey as well as ownership inscription dated 'Bath 1814', endpapers with armorial bookplates, binding rubbed and bumped. In general good copy on strong paper with wide margins.

Hain/Cop. 9810. - GW M16566. - Goff L 5. - BMC V, 160. - BSB L-5. - Polain 2419. - Proctor, Printing of the Greek , pp. 30 and 32, illu. 7.

Lucius Coelius Firmianus Lactantius
Opera. 1472.
€ 18,000 / $ 19,800
€ 16,800 / $ 18,480

(incl. surcharge)