Sale: 284 / Rare Books, Nov. 17./18. 2003 Lot 86

Scaliger, J.
Manilius Astronomicon
€ 650 / $ 702
€ 805 / $ 869

(incl. surcharge)
Manilius, M., Manilius Astronomicon. Mit ganzseit. Wappenholzschnitt, einigen Holzschnitt-Diagrammen im Text sowie 2 Holzschnitt-Druckermarken (wdh.). Paris, R. Estienne für M. Patisson 1579.Ldr. d. 18. Jhs. mit goldgepr. Wappensupralibros. 8vo. 6 Bll., 136 S., 4 Bll. (d.l.w.); 292 S., 6 Bll.
Adams M 361. - BM STC, French Books S. 300. - Houzeau/Lanc. I, 1037. - Schweiger II, 590. - Erste Ausgabe der berühmten Rezension Scaligers. - "His penetrating scholarship and powerful gift of analysis were magisterially demonstrated in his edition of one of the most difficult of Latin texts, the Astronomica of Manilius, and this was a forerunner to his greatest work, the De Emendatione Temporum." (PMM 98 Anm.) - Gegen Ende wasserrandig, hint. Vorsatz mit Eckabriß. Einbd. beschabt und bestoßen, Gelenke eingerissen.First edition of Scaliger's text and important commentary on the 'Astronomica' of Manilius. With fullpage heraldic woodcut, some diagrams and 2 woodcut printer's devices. 18th century calf with gilt armorial centrepiece. - Partly waterstained, corner of back flying endpaper torn. Bindung rubbed and bumbed, joints damaged.

Scaliger, J.
Manilius Astronomicon
€ 650 / $ 702
€ 805 / $ 869

(incl. surcharge)