Sale: 421 / Rare Books, May 18./19. 2015 in Hamburg Lot 462

Jöhns Jacob Berzelius - Nouveau système de minéralogie. 1819.

Jöhns Jacob Berzelius
Nouveau système de minéralogie. 1819.
€ 300 / $ 330
€ 264 / $ 290

(incl. surcharge)
Berzelius, Jöhns Jacob, Nouveau système de minéralogie. Traduit du Suèdois sous les yeoux de l'auteur. Paris, Méquignon-Marvis 1819. Marmor. Pp. d. Zt. mit RSch. 8vo. 2 Bll., VI, 314 S., 1 Bl.

Erste französ. Ausgabe dieses bekannten klassischen Werke zur Mineralogie. - "In 1812 he received a gift of a large number of minerals which he later decided to classify. The methods of mineral classification existing at the time were based on appearance and physical properties. These seemed highly unsystematic to Berzelius. He concluded from his analytical experience that a logical classification could be based only on chemical composition. In his original system, first published in 1814, he arranged the minerals in terms of their basic constituents, although he later revised this and placed chief emphasis on the acid component. Like many of Berzelius' innovations, his system of mineral classification was at first received with some hostility, but this was gradually overcome" (DSB II, 94). - Wasserrandig, Kanten etw. berieben.

Hoover 122. - Poggendorff I, 173. - Bolton 308.

Jöhns Jacob Berzelius
Nouveau système de minéralogie. 1819.
€ 300 / $ 330
€ 264 / $ 290

(incl. surcharge)