Sale: 455 / Art of the 19th Century, Nov. 24. 2017 in Munich Lot 65

Ludwig von Hofmann
Kränzewinden, 1905/06.
Oil on canvas
€ 7,000 / $ 7,700
€ 16,250 / $ 17,875

(incl. surcharge)
Kränzewinden. 1905 /06.
Oil on canvas , with preliminary chalk drawing.
Upper left monogrammed. 66 x 123 cm (25.9 x 48.4 in).
Verso with inscription and with several typographically numbered labels.
Draft for the mural "Kränzewinden" that Henry van de Velde conceived for the museum hall at the 3rd 'Deutsche Kunstgewerbe Ausstellung' (German Applied Arts Exhibition) in Dresden in 1906. [CB].

We are grateful to Dr. Annette Wagner-Wilke for her kind support in cataloging this lot.

PROVENANCE: In possession of a Thuringian-Rhenish family since the 1920s.

LITERATURE: Cf. Bernhard Köhler, Der Künstlerbund in Weimar, in: Das Leben. 2 (1906), issue 38, p. 819 (charcoal drawing).
Cf. Annette Wagner-Wilke, Ludwig von Hofmann und das Wandbild, diss. Albrecht-Ludwigs-University Freiburg 2011, pp. 79ff. (illu. 2.6 and cat. 4.3).
"Hofmann's works mirror cultural history at the time around 1900, they are documents of the unity of literature, dance, drama and the unity of art and life, which was the key concept of Art Nouveau."
Dr. Annette Wagner-Wilke, AKL.

Ludwig von Hofmann
Kränzewinden, 1905/06.
Oil on canvas
€ 7,000 / $ 7,700
€ 16,250 / $ 17,875

(incl. surcharge)