Sale: 294 / Rare Books, May 23./24. 2005 Lot 1316

Casals, P.
Masch. Brief m. U.
€ 150 / $ 165
€ 140 / $ 154

(incl. surcharge)
Casals, Pablo, Musiker, 1876-1973. Masch. engl. Brief m. eigh. U. Santurce (Puerto Rico), 30. V. 1959. 1 S. 4to.
Eindringliches Schreiben an den Hohen Flüchtlingskommissar der Vereinten Nationen, in dem Casals auf die Situation der politischen Flüchtlinge des spanischen Franco-Regimes aufmerksam machen möchte. "... These people are alive and still need help. They are not communist and t[h]ey are not trouble makers; they are human beings and they suffer because they fought against a tyran and his so called government of injustice. I beg you, in the name of the nobility of your projects and mission, to do something in order to include the Spanish refugees in any projec[t]s which are carried out during this coming World Refugee Year. We cannot condemned this poor people to a conspiracy of silence ..." - Casals selbst war als entschiedener Gegner des Franco-Regimes gezwungen, Spanien 1939 zu verlassen. - Mit Bearbeitungsvermerken in Bleistift. Gelocht und unter Glas gerahmt.

Casals, P.
Masch. Brief m. U.
€ 150 / $ 165
€ 140 / $ 154

(incl. surcharge)