Sale: 533 / Modern Art Day Sale and Gerlinger Collection, Dec. 10. 2022 in Munich Lot 432

Katalog zur Ausstellung der K.G. "Brücke" in der Galerie Arnold, Dresden, Schloßstraße, September 1910.
Softcover exhibition catalog with yellow-brown ...
€ 15,000 / $ 16,500
€ 30,000 / $ 33,000

(incl. surcharge)
Katalog zur Ausstellung der K.G. "Brücke" in der Galerie Arnold, Dresden, Schloßstraße. September 1910.
Softcover exhibition catalog with yellow-brown orig. wrapper. Title Woodcut by Erich Heckel, 18 text pages, 14 original woodcuts by Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, Erich Heckel, Max Pechstein and Karl Schmidt-Rottluff as well as Ernst Ludwig Kirchner's wood-cut register of passive "Brücke" member.
Söhn HDO 607-1 to 607-20. The title woodcut and the 14 original woodcuts each monogrammed in the block or with the full name, as well as some inscribed in the block. Two prints of the member register monogrammed in the block. Title woodcut on firm yellow-brown paper. The other prints and text pages on smooth wove paper. Catalog: 23.4 x 18.5 cm (9.2 x 7.2 in). Title woodcut: 16,8 x 11 cm (6,6 x 4,3 in).
Size of woodcuts: each 17 x 11 cm and 11 x 17 cm (6.6 x 4.3 in / 4.3 x 6.6 in) except for two prints by Ernst Ludwig Kirchner: Rudernde Samoanerin, 5.7 x 10.8 (2.2 x 4.2 in) - Title vignette of member register, 5 x 7.6 cm (1.9 x 2.9 in).
The woodcuts show the paintings on display, which the artists made in order to save the high costs for professional reproductions. The wood-cut list of passive members by Ernst Ludwig Kirchner comprises 68 names, among them Rosa Schapire and Gustav Schiefler.
Contains: Erich Heckel, Sitzendes Kind (title woodcut), Ebner/Gabelmann 436 H I. - Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, Rudernde Samoanerin, Gercken A-51 I. - Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, Mann und Frau, Gercken A-52. - Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, Badehaus, Gercken A-53. - Max Pechstein, Sitzender Mann, Krüger H 92. - Erich Heckel, Sitzender Akt (Fränzi), Ebner/Gabelmann 438 H I. - Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, Sitzender Akt, Gercken A-54. - Karl Schmidt-Rottluff, Haus im Park, Schapire H 49. - Karl Schmidt-Rottluff, Schnitter, Schapire H 50. - Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, Sandgräber am Tiber, Gercken A-55. - Max Pechstein, Artistin, Krüger H 93. - Max Pechstein, Badende, Krüger H 94. - Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, Tanz, Gercken A-56. - Erich Heckel, Müßige Weiber, Ebner/Gabelmann 439 H I. - Erich Heckel, Schlafender, Ebner/Gabelmann 437 H I. Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, title vignette member register, Gercken A-36. - Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, list of passive members I-IV, Gercken A-38-41.
Printed by C. Rich. Gärtnersche Buchdruckerei, Heinrich Niescher, Dresden 1910. [AR].
• Famous first illustrated catalog for the important "Brücke" exhibition at Galerie Arnold, Dresden 1910.
• With excellent original woodcuts by Heckel, Kirchner, Pechstein and Schmidt-Rottluff.
• Rare document from the early days of Expressionism and the "Brücke" era.
• Other copies are in the Museum of Modern Art in New York, the Staatsgalerie Stuttgart and the Brücke-Museum, Berlin

PROVENANCE: Collection Hermann Gerlinger, Würzburg (with the collector's stamp Lugt 6032).

EXHIBITION: Schleswig-Holsteinisches Landesmuseum Schloss Gottorf, Schleswig (permanent loan from the Collection Hermann Gerlinger, 1995-2001).
Kunstmuseum Moritzburg, Halle an der Saale (permanent loan from the Collection Hermann Gerlinger, 2001-2017).
Erich Heckel, Einfühlung und Ausdruck, Buchheim Museum Bernried, October 31, 2020 - March 7, 2021, extended until June 20, 2021 (with color illu. p. 123).
Buchheim Museum, Bernried (permanent loan from the Collection Hermann Gerlinger, 2017-2022).

LITERATURE: (Selection)
Lothar-Günther Buchheim, Die Künstlergemeinschaft Brücke. Gemälde, Zeichnungen, Graphik, Plastik, Dokumente, Feldafing 1956, pp. 93-97, no. 53 (different copy).
Hans Bolliger, E. W. Kornfeld, Ausstellungen Künstlergruppe Brücke. Jahresmappen 1906-1912, Bern 1958, pp. 26-29, no. 41/1-20 (different copy).
Ralph Jentsch, Illustrierte Bücher des deutschen Expressionismus, Stuttgart 1990, p. 45-47, cat. no. 2 (different copy).
Heinz Spielmann (ed.), Die Maler der Brücke. Sammlung Hermann Gerlinger, Stuttgart 1995, pp. 114-115, SHG no. 70 (with color illu.).
Hermann Gerlinger, Katja Schneider (eds.), Die Maler der Brücke. Inventory catalog Collection Hermann Gerlinger, Halle (Saale) 2005, p. 175, SHG no. 391 (with color illu.).
Magdalena Moeller (ed.), Dokumente der Künstlergruppe Brücke, Munich 2007, pp. 163-179, no. 53 (different copy).
Brückenschlag: Gerlinger - Buchheim! Museumsführer durch die "Brücke"-Sammlungen von Hermann Gerlinger und Lothar-Günther Buchheim, Feldafing 2017, p. 52 (with color illu., p. 53).
"Over the years we gained a tribe of friends and patrons [..] We believe that also through this new exhibition we will gain new friends of our art."
Quote from the introductory text of the exhibition catalog.

This exhibition, remarkable in many respects, was accompanied by a 38-page catalog with original woodcuts that clearly reflect the group’s increased self-confidence. The new interpretation and the way they saw their pictorial motifs, the special German form of Expressionism, later called "Brüclke“ style" is presented to visitors of this exhibition in a manner that is very cohesive in terms of appearance. What is special and unusual about this catalog are not only the fourteen full-page original woodcuts, which show some of the exhibited works as a substitute for expensive photographic reproductions. In addition, it is noteworthy that the introductory text and the following list of catalog numbers were set off in a typeface adapted to the woodcut, while the list in the appendix that mentions current passive members of the artist group was also cut in wood by Kirchner. The fact that most of the woodcuts were executed by a different member of the group and thus by a different artistic temperament than the paintings on display is a sign of the close ties between the artists. They are not only an expression of a congenial understanding for the respective pictures of the painter friends, but also show how closely graphic art and painting lie together in terms of artistic expression. The woodcut is a graphic counterpart to painting, which is characterized by unbroken areas of color. Its technique concentrates the expressive power of painting in the black and white contrast and summarizes the essence of the artistic statement of the paintings.
The title page of the catalog is adorned with a woodcut by Erich Heckel based on the motif Kirchner designed for the exhibition poster: a seated nude girl holds a small sculpture in her left hand, probably also by Kirchner. Sculptures are not listed in the catalog, but a historical photograph of the exhibition room reveals a number of works spread out on the mantel. (Detail fig.)
The introductory text to the exhibition, describing the need for the founding of the "Brücke" and giving a brief account of the activities of the past year and the addition of patrons and friends, is adorned by a small woodcut vignette by Kirchner, "Rudernde Samoanerin" (Rowing Samoan Woman). (Fig.)
This print illustrates the "Brücke's" preoccupation non-European cultures at the time. In a letter to Heckel dated March 31, 1910, Kirchner wrote: "Here (Dresden) the ethnological museum is open again, only a small part, but still a recreation and pleasure to see the fabulous bronzes from Benin, some things of the Pueblos from Mexico are still exhibited and some Negro sculptures [..] A circus is back and Samoans, Negroes, etc. will come to the zoo this summer." This is followed by two more woodcuts by Kirchner, "Mann und Frau" and "Badende," which are not part of the exhibited paintings.
The list of exhibited works begins with two works by Cuno Amiet, who is the only one to show paintings only. Otto Mueller as guest also exhibits just two paintings and three additional drawings, while the founding members participate with twenty works each. In total, the catalog lists 87 numbers: Paintings, watercolors, drawings, woodcuts, lithographs, and etchings by Cuno Amiet, Erich Heckel, Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, Hermann Max Pechstein, Karl Schmidt-Rottluff, and Otto Mueller. The majority of the paintings can be traced or their whereabouts clarified. More problematic, however, is the assignment of the drawings in question to the titles listed in the catalog. The exhibition catalog ends with Kirchner's list of passive members and patrons of the "Brücke" in chronological order of their joining. First of all, it is striking that the first members are not from Dresden, including Ada Nolde, who probably joined at the same time as her husband became an active member in 1906. She was still a member in 1910, although her husband had already left the group as an active member in 1908. The first member was the Dresden lamp manufacturer Karl Max Seifert. He made the showrooms of his lamp collection available to the "Brücke" for the first extensive exhibition in Dresden in the fall of 1906.
Another early Dresden member was Otto Gußmann, an academy professor and Pechstein's teacher. Of the founding members, Pechstein was the only one to study at an art academy. Heckel, Kirchner and Schmidt-Rottluff had studied architecture in Dresden before deciding to devote themselves entirely to painting. Important patrons and, above all, collectors from Hamburg signed the list. For example, the district court president Gustav Schiefler, who had a close relationship with Schmidt-Rottluff since 1906. He was an expert in the field of printmaking and compiled the oeuvre catalogs for Munch, Nolde and Kirchner in the mid-1920s.
Meeting the young art historian Rosa Schapire was beneficial not only for Schmidt-Rottluff. In 1908, Martha Rauert joined the group and in the years to come, together with her husband Paul Rauert, compiled an extraordinary collection of the "Brücke" artists. Kirchner's father, Ernst Kirchner, professor of paper research at the Gewerbeakademie in Chemnitz, also became a passive member in 1908. Right behind Kirchner we find the name of Harry Graf Kessler from Weimar, who brought this extensive exhibition to the Grand Ducal Museum of Arts and Crafts in Weimar in 1910. (Fig.) [MvL]

Katalog zur Ausstellung der K.G. "Brücke" in der Galerie Arnold, Dresden, Schloßstraße, September 1910.
Softcover exhibition catalog with yellow-brown ...
€ 15,000 / $ 16,500
€ 30,000 / $ 33,000

(incl. surcharge)