Sale: 348 / Rare Books, Nov. 17./18. 2008 in Hamburg Lot 160

Dionysius Areopagnita - Preclarum opusculum. 1502 (54)

Dionysius Areopagnita
Preclarum opusculum. 1502 (54)
€ 400 / $ 440
€ 1,020 / $ 1,122

(incl. surcharge)
Dionysius Areopagita, [Opera. Pt. III:] Preclarum opusculum de mystica theologia et de di(vi)nis no(min)ibus Marsilio Ficino interprete impressioneq(ue) nova luculentum. With numerous drawn-in lombards in red. Strasbourg, [G. Husner] 1502. Later boards. Folio. 67 Roman numb. ll. Gothic type, 2 cols.
Index Aurel. 153.959. - VD 16, D 1848. - Adams D 521. - Muller II, 11, 6. - Independent third part (of 3) of the nice Strasbourg complete edition, the first in the 16th century. The Greek Editio princeps was published in1516. - Contains the two main tetxs of the dogmatics of the Pseudo-Dionysius in an translation by Ficino (cf. KLL V, 1772f.). - Title trimmed to the text margin and mounted, else well-preserved copy.
Part III (of 3) of the Straßbourg complete edition. Translation by Ficino. Fine printing with numerous painted lombards in red. Later cardboards. - Title cut out up to the text and mounted, else well preserved.

Dionysius Areopagnita
Preclarum opusculum. 1502 (54)
€ 400 / $ 440
€ 1,020 / $ 1,122

(incl. surcharge)