Sale: 414 / Rare Books, May 19./20. 2014 in Hamburg Lot 623

Juan Martinez Guijeno
Arithmetica. 1540
€ 800 / $ 880
€ 1,200 / $ 1,320

(incl. surcharge)
Guijeño, J. M. [d. i. J. M. Siliceus], Arithmetica nuper permultis mendis vindicata, & comentariorum prolixitate.Paris, J. Lodoicus für J. Roigny 1540. Mod. HPgt. mit Buntpapierbezug. 8vo. 21 S.

Vierte Ausgabe, erschien erstmals 1514. - Sehr seltenes mathematisches Schulbuch des Professors für Moralphilosophie in Salamanca sowie späteren Erzbischofs von Toledo, J. M. Guijeño (gest. 1557). - "This is a work of considerable extent of subject, and seemed to have no great fault except the usual one of prolixity. It gives a treatise on theoretical arithmetic .. one on the rules of computation, one on the mode of calculation by pebbles or the abacus, and one on fractions" (Morgan). - Etw. wasserrandig, 1 durchgeh. kl. Braunfleck.

Palau 313094. - Vgl. Morgan S. 15 und Rara Arithmetica S. 97f. (and. Ausg.). - Nicht im BM STC und bei Adams.

Very rare mathematical schoolbook (1st Paris 1519) by J. M. Guijeño (d. 1557), archbishop of Toledo. Mod. half vellum, boards covered with decorative paper. - Slightly dampstained.

Juan Martinez Guijeno
Arithmetica. 1540
€ 800 / $ 880
€ 1,200 / $ 1,320

(incl. surcharge)