Sale: 22 / Online Sale, June 20. 2021 Lot 121000876

Joseph Beuys
Ohne die Rose tun wir's nicht, 1972.
Offset in colors
€ 3,000 / $ 3,300
€ 3,500 / $ 3,850

(incl. surcharge)
Ohne die Rose tun wir's nicht. 1972.
Offset in colors.
Schellmann 61. Signed, numbered and inscribed. On thin board. 80 x 56 cm (31.4 x 22 in), the full sheet.
After the photo "Beuys mit roter Rose im permanenten politischen Büro auf documenta 5 in Kassel" by Wilfried Bauer.
Published by Edition Staeck, Heidelberg. [EH].
• A narrow glass vase with a red rose adorned Beuys' desk in his "Büro für direkte Demokratie" (Office for Direct Democracy ) at documenta 5 (1972).
• The rose's growth stands for the growth of processes within society.
• The rose is a vehicle of artistic and political ideas

PROVENANCE: Private collection Southern Germany.

In good condition.

Joseph Beuys
Ohne die Rose tun wir's nicht, 1972.
Offset in colors
€ 3,000 / $ 3,300
€ 3,500 / $ 3,850

(incl. surcharge)