Sale: 415 / Modern Art, June 06. 2014 in Munich Lot 213

August Macke
Abstrakte Formen V, 1913.
€ 15,000 / $ 16,500
€ 46,360 / $ 50,996

(incl. surcharge)
Abstrakte Formen V. 1913.

Heiderich 1944. Verso with estate stamp and estate inventory number "108", there with date and title. 20,5 x 15,5 cm (8 x 6,1 in).
With cut out rear board on rear of frame, there with estate stamp and with inscription "F St. 108", as well as with further inscriptions by hand. [JS].
Other than specified in the catalog, this lot number may also be subject to differential taxation + 7% import turnover tax (savings of 5% in comparison with regular taxation).

PROVENANCE: From artist's estate.
Leonard Hutton Galleries, New York.
Rachel Adler Fine Art, New York (with label on rear of frame).
Private collection Baltimore.
Galerie Jan Krugier, Ditesheim & Cie, Geneva (with label on rear of frame).
Private collection (acquired from previously mentioned in 2000).

EXHIBITION: Der Blaue Reiter, Galerie Dr. Rusche, Cologne 1947, cat. no. 19.
August Macke 1887-1914. Ölbilder, Aquarelle und Handzeichnungen 1907-1914, Kunstverein Brunswick 1954, cat. no. 126.
Aquarelle und Zeichnungen von August Macke, Galerie Vömel, Duesseldorf 1956, cat. no. 25.
August Macke als Zeichner, Städtische Kunstsammlungen Bonn 1957, cat. no. 42.
Kandinsky, Franz Marc, August Macke. Drawings and Watercolors, Hutten Hutschnecker Gallery, New York 1969, cat. no. 132 (with illu. on p. 102).
Constructivism, The Baltimore Museum of Art, Baltimore 18 December, 1983 - 5 February, 1984 (with label on rear of frame).
August Macke, 1887 - 1914, Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid 18 March - 31 May, 1998, cat. no. 167, p. 174 (mwith color illu. on p. 175).

LITERATURE: Linie, Licht und Schatten. Meisterzeichnungen und Skulpturen der Sammlung Jan und Marie-Anne Krugier-Poniatowski, edited by Alexander Dückers, Berlin 1999, p. 410.

Born on January 3rd, 1887, in Meschede, August Macke grew up in Bonn and Cologne. Being filled with enthusiasm about the painting of Böcklin, he began his studies at the art college and the arts and crafts school in Düsseldorf. In 1907 August Macke traveledto Paris, where he saw the paintings of the impressionists, which fascinated and influenced him. Back in Germany he went to Berlin and attended the painting school of Lovis Corinth for a short time.After doing his military service for one year as a volunteer in 1908, the artist married - now in Bonn - Elisabeth Gerhardt. In 1909 he got acquainted with Franz Marc in Tegernsee, with whom he would be friends for the rest of his life. With their colorfuland spacious, two-dimensional forms Macke's works from that time displayed clearly the influence of the painting of Henri Matisse and Franz Marc. In 1911 August Macke joined 'Der Blaue Reiter', a group of artists from Munich.

On another trip to Paris with Marc he got to know Robert Delaunay and his orphic way of painting. Delaunay also visited Macke later, together with Guillaume Apollinaire. This colorfulform of cubism made a lasting impression on him and found its way into both his lucent paintingsas well as into his works on paper, which were increasingly partitioned in crystalline color fields. This color pen drawing, already entirely abstract, delivers impressive proof of the fact that color had become the decisive means of creation even before his journey to Tunisia in 1914, especially for the abdication of contour lines. Through the loose arrangement of color fieldsin front of the largely blankpriming, Macke confronts us with a color accord that weightlessly spreads out across the surface.

The trip to Tunis with Paul Klee and Louis René Moilliet in 1914 also contributed to the development of his own style of bright, intensive coloration and crystalline design. On 26 September 1914 Macke fell at the western front in France at the age of 27. August.

August Macke
Abstrakte Formen V, 1913.
€ 15,000 / $ 16,500
€ 46,360 / $ 50,996

(incl. surcharge)