Sale: 545 / Evening Sale, Dec. 08. 2023 in Munich Lot 45

Heinrich Campendonk
Bild mit Vögeln, 1916.
Oil on canvas
€ 350,000 / $ 385,000
€ 508,000 / $ 558,800

(incl. surcharge)
Bild mit Vögeln. 1916.
Oil on canvas.
Lower right monogrammed and dated (barely legible). 39 x 49.5 cm (15.3 x 19.4 in).

• A picture emanating dreamy contemplation and great calm.
• "He made his most liberated and most beautiful works" (G.Geiger 2007) during the time in Seeshaupt.
• The dissolution of a clear spatiality and proportions makes the birds one with the world they move about in.
• Shown at Herwarth Walden's gallery 'Der Sturm' as early as 1916.
• Part of the important Campendonk exhibition at the Kaiser Wilhelm Museum in Krefeld and the Lenbachhaus Munich in 1989/90

PROVENANCE: Galerie Der Sturm, Berlin (Herwarth Walden, since 1916).
Presumably Nell Walden Collection, Bad Schinznach (probably directly from the above, until ca. 1955; the work was stored at the Kunsthaus Zürich).
Private collection (acquired from the above around 1955, until December 2, 1985:Christie's London).
Private collection Northern Germany.
Private collection Northern Germany.

EXHIBITION: Campendonk. Gemälde und Aquarelle, Zeichnungen, Holzschnitte, 45 .Ausstellung, Der Sturm, Berlin, October 1916, cat. no. 5 (with a label on the reverse).
Ausstellung Neuer Kunst, Kunstsalon Rembrandt, Zürich 1919, cat. no. 8.
Franz-Marc-Museum, Kochel, permanent loan 1986–1990.
Heinrich Campendonk. Ein Maler des Blauen Reiter, Kaiser Wilhelm Museum, Krefeld / Städtische Galerie im Lenbachhaus Munich, September 24, 1989 - February 14, 1990, cat. no. 59 with color illu. p. 83.
einfach. magisch Die Bildwelten Heinrich Campendonks, Museum Penzberg, Sammlung Campendonk, June 16 – September 16, 2018 (no catalog).

LITERATURE: Andrea Firmenich, Heinrich Campendonk 1889-1957. Leben und expressionistisches Werk, Recklinghausen 1989, catalogue raisonné 505 Ö (fig.), color plate 41
Christie's London, , auction on December 2, 1985, lot 26 (titled: Lied mit Vögeln).

"[..] I paint exclusively by impressions I get from nature, my mind [..]."
Heinrich Campendonk, letter from December 2, 1911, in A.Firmenich, H.Campendonk, Recklinghausen 1989, p. 71

Campendonk’s very early works, with which the young artist was represented in the first exhibition of the "Blaue Reiter" in 1911/12, are already characterized by a very unique style that would continue to develop and become consolidate after the artist group dissolved at the beginning of the First World War. Faced with the increasing horrors of war, Campendonk chose to retreat with his family to Seeshaupt on Lake Starnberg in 1916, where they moved into two floors of a farmhouse surrounded by meadows and fruit trees. Campendonk's close friends August Macke and Franz Marc fell on the French front in 1914 and 1916. Campendonk contrasted the fear and great sadness of this time with the rural idyll, a dreamlike, contemplative isolation - also in his paintings. Not only did his early deceased artist friends Macke and Marc exert strong influence on him, Campendonk also found artistic inspiration in Chagall’s pictures, which he probably saw on trips to Berlin, as later letters suggest. Accordingly, Heinrich Campendonk attained an artistic climax during this time in Seeshaupt. "Had it not been for the seclusion of Seeshaupt, through which independent and concentrated work only became possible, the actual artistic development of Campendonk's work, which led to his most liberated and most beautiful works, probably wouldn’t have been possible. Here Campendonk began to pursue a path that would take him beyond the quality of his works from the days of the “Blauer Reiter" (quoted from: Gisela Geiger Rausch und Reduktion, Penzberg 2007, p. 50).
Campendonk's painting style around this time is determined by a kind of Cubism characterized by the division of the image area into dissolved cubic forms with a predominantly red color effect. The contents of the painting, usually an arrangement of deconstructed elements, stand in a loose compositional context, they don’t allow for any narrative. The two birds move about as if in a dream world of color surfaces that here and there merge into fantastic flowers and leaves. A stringent narrative is avoided. Campendonk strings things together more than he connects them. He embeds them in a mesh of seemingly constructive forms, which in their painterly conception contradict their actual formal intent. In the limbo between abstraction and figuration, one cannot interpret this composition, which is coherent in itself, in one way or the other. It should be grasped in its entirety and seen as such. [EH]

Heinrich Campendonk
Bild mit Vögeln, 1916.
Oil on canvas
€ 350,000 / $ 385,000
€ 508,000 / $ 558,800

(incl. surcharge)