Sale: 348 / Rare Books, Nov. 17./18. 2008 in Hamburg Lot 1425

Virgil Solis - Biblische Figuren. 1565 (45)

Virgil Solis
Biblische Figuren. 1565 (45)
€ 400 / $ 440
€ 324 / $ 356

(incl. surcharge)
Solis, V., Biblische Figuren deß Newen Testaments, gar künstlich gerissen. With woodcut title with figurative border and 116 woodcuts by Virgil Solis with figurative and ornamental framing. Frankfurt, Joh. Wolf 1565. 20th century boards. 59 (incl. title; of 60) non-numb. ll.
Adams S 1402. - VD 16, ZV 24348 nd BM, German Books Suppl. p. 58 (both with Old Testament). - Schmidt pp. 236ff. - Cf. Fairfax Murray 67 (edition 1562). - Third single edition of the nice series of woodcuts by Solis on the New Testament, which was first published in 1560. "Mit der von Virgil Solis illustrierten Bibel beginnt eine neue Epoche der Bibelillustration" [transl.:"This work by Solis intoduces a new age of bible illustration"] (Schmidt). - Collation: a-o4, p3. Leaf h1 misbound, leaf p4 (with printer's device) lacking. - Stronger stained and waterstained in places, with small marginal defects in places (of which 3 to corners, 1 added), 3 ll. remargined and mended (1 with loss of image), title (with marginal tear) rebacked, 1 l. with small defective spot in the image, ca. 10 ll. with small worming to lower margin.

Virgil Solis
Biblische Figuren. 1565 (45)
€ 400 / $ 440
€ 324 / $ 356

(incl. surcharge)