Sale: 22 / Online Sale, June 11. 2023 Lot 122001625

Georg Kolbe
Kopf der Aufblickenden, 1920.
€ 12,000 / $ 13,200
€ 19,050 / $ 20,955

(incl. surcharge)
Kopf der Aufblickenden. 1920.
Bronze with matte black patina.
With the monogram in ligature on the side of the neck. Height: 20.3 cm (7.9 in). Height of base: 7,5 cm (2,9 in).
Cast by art foundry Hermann Noack, Berlin-Friedenau (with the foundry mark "NOACK BERLIN FRIEDENAU" on the reverse).

The base seems to be the original base.
• Cast during the artist's lifetime .
• Fine and clear contours are characetritsic of Kolbe's sculptures from the early 1920s.
• Kolbe developed the face of the ancient Korai into a composition of subtle tenderness.
• Only a few copies of this head of the "Aufblickende" were cast.
• In the past 25 years, only two other copies were offered on the international auction market (source:

Accompanied by a written confirmation of authenticity isssued by Dr. Ursel Berger on April 3, 2023.

PROVENANCE: Galerie Alex Vömel, Düsseldorf, Nr. 722K (unten auf dem Sockel mit einem Etikett).
Gertrude M. Kilsheimer Edwards Collection, Chevy Chase, Maryland.
Suzanne Figi Collection, La Jolla (von Vorgenannter ererbt im July 1968).
Privatsammlung USA (von Vorgenannter ererbt).

LITERATURE: Ursel Berger, Georg Kolbe. Leben und Werk, Berlin 1990, p. 245, cf. no. 37 (the head's plaster model).

In good condition. Fine patina.

Georg Kolbe
Kopf der Aufblickenden, 1920.
€ 12,000 / $ 13,200
€ 19,050 / $ 20,955

(incl. surcharge)