Sale: 348 / Rare Books, Nov. 17./18. 2008 in Hamburg Lot 213

Persius Flaccus - Satyrarum liber I. 1590 (10)

Persius Flaccus
Satyrarum liber I. 1590 (10)
€ 200 / $ 220
€ 168 / $ 184

(incl. surcharge)
Persius Flaccus, A., Satyrarum liber I. D. Iunii Iuvenalis satyrarum lib. V. Sulpiciae satyra I. Cum veteribus commentariis nunc primum editis. Ex bibliotheca P. Pithoei. With woodcut printer's device on title. Heidelberg, [in Officina Sanctandreana = H. Commelinus] 1590. Late half vellum. Small 8vo. 6 ll. (the last blank), 146 pp., 1 non-numb. l., 237 pp.
VD 16, P 1633. - BM STC, German Books p. 684. - Cf. Adams P 748 and Schweiger II, 710 (not mentioning a place of printing, however Officina Sanctandreana for same year and collation) and Dibdin II, 153 (edition 1585). - Reprint of the important edition from 1585. - Strong browning, title and last l. with minor worming. Edges rubbed and bumped.
With woodcut printer's device on title. Later half vellum. - Browned, title and last leaf with wormtraces. Edges rubbed and bumped.

Persius Flaccus
Satyrarum liber I. 1590 (10)
€ 200 / $ 220
€ 168 / $ 184

(incl. surcharge)