Sale: 348 / Rare Books, Nov. 17./18. 2008 in Hamburg Lot 181

Claude Guichard - Funerailles. 1581.

Claude Guichard
Funerailles. 1581.
€ 600 / $ 660
€ 600 / $ 660

(incl. surcharge)
Guichard, C., Funerailles & diverses manieres d'ensevelir des Rommains, Grecs, & autres nations, tant anciennes que modernes. With architectural woodcut title boarder (Cartier no. 3), 34 woodcut illustrations in the text and some fine large historiated initials. Lyon, J. de Tournes 1581. 17th cent. calf with gilt spine and lable. 4to. 4 ll., 546 pp., 11 ll.
Cartier 616. - BM STC, French Books p.212. - Adams G.1545. - Brun p. 206. - Alden/Landis A 581/1. - Not in Sabin, Palau and other Americana catalogues. - Only edition of this important work on funeral rites of the ancient Roman and Greeks, but also of the the natives of the New World, including Peru, Mexico, Florida, and Canada. Unnoticed by Sabin and other Americana catalogues. Typographically interesting because of de Tournes use of the large and attractive civilité type of Robert Granjon, furthermore because of its first translation in any language of Petronius on pp. 242-246, a French translation of the famous story of the "Matron of Ephesus" from the "Satyricon" (unknown to Schmeling/Stuckey). - Here and there some waterstaining, front endpaper with entry by old hand. Binding bumped, joints and extremities of spine repaired. Ex libris.

Claude Guichard
Funerailles. 1581.
€ 600 / $ 660
€ 600 / $ 660

(incl. surcharge)