Sale: 301 / Rare Books, May 22./23. 2006 Lot 191

Belon, P.
De aquatilibus, libri duo, 1553.
€ 1,500 / $ 1,650
€ 1,666 / $ 1,832

(incl. surcharge)
Belon, P., De aquatilibus, libri duo. Cum eiconibus ad viuam ipsorum effigiem, quod eius fieri potuit, expressis. Mit 182 zumeist ankolor. Textholzschnitten (st. 187). Paris, C. Stephanus (Estienne) 1553. Zeitgenöss. Pgt. auf 3 Bünden. Quer-8vo. 16 Bll., 437 (st. 448) S.
Nissen 302. - Nissen, Fischbücher 13. - Agassiz I, 241,6. - Wood S. 230. - Brun S. 119. - Index Aurel. 116.324. - Garrison/Morton 279. - DSB I, 596. - Nicht bei Westwood/Satchell. - Seltene erste Ausgabe des frühen Fischbuches, mit zahlreichen tls. ganzseitigen Holzschnitten verschiedener Süßwasser- und Meeresfische sowie anderer Wassertiere. "Belon is looked upon as the founder of modern ichthyology as well as an authority on ornithology. The illustration of fishes and some other aquatic animals in this volume are of exceptional quality for the sixteenth century, although some of them are fanciful." (Wood) - 6 Bll. der Lage C fehlen. Nur tlw. leicht stock- und fingerfl., Titel gestempelt (ehemaliges Expl. der Zool. Bibliothek München). Insgesamt gutes, wohl erhaltenes Exemplar.
"Belon enriched the biological sciences by new observations and contributed greatly to the progress of the natural sciences in the sixteenth century. His learning was not derived solely from books. He was one of the first explorer-naturalists ... " (DSB).Rare first edition of the early monography on fishes. 182 woodcuts (instead of 187) in the text. Contemp. vellum. - 6 ll. missing. Partly slightly stained, title page stamped. Overall good and well preserved copy.

Belon, P.
De aquatilibus, libri duo, 1553.
€ 1,500 / $ 1,650
€ 1,666 / $ 1,832

(incl. surcharge)