Sale: 530 / Evening Sale / The Hermann Gerlinger Collection, June 10. 2022 in Munich Lot 30

Karl Schmidt-Rottluff
Müßige Hetären, 1914.
€ 8,000 / $ 8,800
€ 18,750 / $ 20,625

(incl. surcharge)
Müßige Hetären. 1914.
Schapire H 133. Signed and dated. On SLG laid paper (with the watermark). 39.5 x 50 cm (15.5 x 19.6 in). Sheet: 51,5 x 67,5 cm (20,2 x 26,5 in).

• To date offered only four times on the international auction market.
• Notabel provenance apart from Hermann Gerlinger- Wilhelm Niemeyer and Rosa Schapire published the important expressionist magazine 'Kündung', he also was a passive "Brücke" member and an early collector of Schmidt-Rottluff.
• The depiction of nudity reached its peak in the art of Schmidt-Rottluff with the figures of the "Müßigen Hetären" from 1914.
• In ancient times, hetaerae were respected sex workers skilled in music and dance

We are grateful to Dr. Peter Fuhring, Fondation Custodia, Paris, for his kind expert advice.

PROVENANCE: Collection Wilhelm Niemeyer, Hamburg (until 1956: Stuttgarter Kunstkabinett, November 27/28, 1956).
Collection Sauerwein, no place (acquired from the above in 1956).
Collection Günther and Annemarie Gercken, Hamburg (verso with the collector stamp).
Collection Hermann Gerlinger, Würzburg (with the collector stamp).

EXHIBITION: Schleswig-Holsteinisches Landesmuseum Schloss Gottorf, Schleswig (permanent loan from Collection Hermann Gerlinger, 1995-2001).
Kunstmuseum Moritzburg, Halle an der Saale (permanent loan from Collection Hermann Gerlinger, 2001-2017).
Expressiv! Die Künstler der Sammlung Hermann Gerlinger, Albertina, Vienna, June 1 - August 26, 2007, cat. no. 34 (with illu.).
Schmidt-Rottluff. Form, Farbe, Ausdruck, Buchheim Museum, Bernried am Starnberger See, September 29, 2018 - February 3, 2019, p. 199 (with illu.).
Buchheim Museum, Bernried (permanent loan from Collection Hermann Gerlinger, 2017-2022).

LITERATURE: Stuttgarter Kunstkabinett, Roman Norbert Ketterer, 25th auction, November 27/28, 1956, lot 883.
Heinz Spielmann (editor), Die Maler der Brücke. Collection Hermann Gerlinger, Stuttgart 1995, pp. 368-69, SHG no. 613 (with illu.).
Hermann Gerlinger, Katja Schneider (editors), Die Maler der Brücke. Inventory catalog Collection Hermann Gerlinger, Halle (Saale) 2005, p. 69, SHG no. 125 (with illu.).

The nudes form a separate group of works: Schmidt-Rottluff took up the subject again in 1909 after a two-year break and dealt intensively with the motif of nudity in the years that followed. The development reached its climax with the format-filling nude figures of the "Müßige Hetären“ (Idle Hetaera) from 1914. Detached from their mere appeal, women's physicality is shown in a natural way. The depiction of the figures is developed from the contour line, their physiognomies and body forms consist of angular and pointed lines. Schmidt-Rottluff confronts the viewer with a new take on female forms and a shift in proportions to exaggerate the motif of the voluptuous round female body. And last but not least, the artist was inspired by the art of non-European cultures, from which he developed his idea of an archaic formal language, which is particularly evident in the depiction of the female nude. Schmidt-Rottluff's concentration on the figures, their posture and gestures give the woodcut poignancy and emotion. The work group of nudes shows figures without individual characteristics. More than a metaphor of the erotic, they are elevated to the timeless and super-real; this is also indicated by the localization in antiquity: idle hetaera. [MvL]

Karl Schmidt-Rottluff
Müßige Hetären, 1914.
€ 8,000 / $ 8,800
€ 18,750 / $ 20,625

(incl. surcharge)