Sale: 431 / Art of the 19th Century, May 25. 2016 in Munich Lot 157

Henry van de Velde
Die Kartoffelausmacherin (Bäuerin auf dem Felde), 1886.
Oil on canvas
€ 6,000 / $ 6,600
€ 6,250 / $ 6,875

(incl. surcharge)
Die Kartoffelausmacherin (Bäuerin auf dem Felde). 1886.
Oil on canvas.
61.5 x 88.5 cm (24.2 x 34.8 in).
Verso of stretcher twice with the artist's stamped signature, as well as exhibition labels, customs stamp and with inscription. [CB].

PROVENANCE: From the estate of Henry van de Velde.
Thyl van de Velde, Brussels.
Private ownership Switzerland.

EXHIBITION: L'Art indépendant, Antwerp 1887, no. 145.
Henry van de Velde. Persönlichkeit und Werk, Kunstgewerbemuseum, Zurich, 1958, no. 3.
Henry van de Velde. Das Lebenswerk, Die neue Sammlung, Munich, 1959, no.3
Der junge van de Velde und sein Kreis, Karl-Ernst-Osthaus-Museum, Hagen, 1959, no. 7 (with illu. in catalog).
Henry van de Velde. Palais der schönen Künste, Brussels, 1963, no. 28.
Henry van de Velde zum 100. Geburtstag, Kunstgebäude am Schlossplatz, Stuttgart 1963, no. 3.
Henry van de Velde. Ein europäischer Künstler seiner Zeit, traveling exhibition Hagen, Weimar, Berlin, Gent, Zurich and Nuremberg, 1992/93, no. 7 (with illu. in cat.).

LITERATURE: Abraham Marie Hammacher, Die Welt Henry van de Veldes, Antwerp/Cologne 1967, p. 327, no. 9.

From today's perspective the Belgian Henry van de Velde is first of all rembered as an architect and designer. As head of the Grand Ducal Saxon Art School in Weimar and founding member of the Deutsche Werkbund (German Association of Craftsmen) he contributed fundamental innovations to the development of applied arts at the beginning of the 20th century. His artistic carreer, which was entirely coined by painting, is far less known. Van de Velde's paintings are close to Belgian Naturalism, predominantly showing scenes from the simple life of peasants. After a personal crisis he abandoned painting in 1889 and turned to 'decorative arts', which erarned him international renown over the following years. Accordingly, his oeuvre of paintings is small and rare on the art market.

Henry van de Velde
Die Kartoffelausmacherin (Bäuerin auf dem Felde), 1886.
Oil on canvas
€ 6,000 / $ 6,600
€ 6,250 / $ 6,875

(incl. surcharge)