Special Auction Rare Books
An old Book sells for € 264.000*
Hamburg, 24 November 2010, (kk) - With an overall result of € 1,9* million, the two day auction of Rare Books at Ketterer Kunst made for the best result in this section for the last twenty years. The evening auction alone realized a stunning 74 percent sold lots and a quota of 128 percent*. The reason for this tremendous success is in "the very innovative catalog concept" said Robert Ketterer. .

The TOP 5
€ 264.000* Starting price: €40.000
Lot 11: Hartmann Schedel
Das Buch der Chroniken und Geschichten.
Nuremberg 1493
see illustration
€ 126.600* Starting price: €40.000
Lot 62: Hugo Grotius
De iure belli. Paris 1625
€ 264.000* Starting price: €40.000
Lot 11: Hartmann Schedel
Das Buch der Chroniken und Geschichten.
Nuremberg 1493
see illustration
€ 126.600* Starting price: €40.000
Lot 62: Hugo Grotius
De iure belli. Paris 1625
€ 42.000* Starting price: €35.000
Lot 56: Carel Allard Orbis habitabilis. Amsterdam, um 1695
€ 38.000* Starting price: €16.000
Lot 10: Johannes Bretke Postilla tatai esti. Königsberg 1591.
€ 29.000* Starting price: €11.000
Lot 18: Daniel Newhouse The whole Art of Navigation; in five books.
London 1685
Lot 56: Carel Allard Orbis habitabilis. Amsterdam, um 1695
€ 38.000* Starting price: €16.000
Lot 10: Johannes Bretke Postilla tatai esti. Königsberg 1591.
€ 29.000* Starting price: €11.000
Lot 18: Daniel Newhouse The whole Art of Navigation; in five books.
London 1685
The introduction of the evening auction made for a jump start. An own catalog was developed just for this particular event, with the objective to make the world of books, a world that usually requires a lot of expert knowledge, accessible to everybody. Numerous images, a clear structure with an optically pleasing arrangement of the various subject fields, as well as well-defined explanations aroused new interest. Robert Ketterer: "The cross-marketing concept begins to pay off, as we now not only address traditional book collectors but also private art collectors who also like new forms of investment".
The "Buch der Chroniken und Geschichten" by Hartmann Schedel, (lot 11) released in a strong contemporary coloring in Nuremberg in 1493 is the most richly illustrated incunable of all. Additionally, it contains the oldest printed map of Germany. Since this copy of the chronic is very well-preserved and complete, it was no surprise that there were several five- and six-digit written bids, a lively auction room and 14 phone bidders from, among others, Belgium, France, Germany, Great Britain, the Netherlands and Norway competing for this rarity. Called up at € 40.000, the bids soared immediately and the vehement bidding skirmish did not stop before it had reached heights of € 264.000*. Thus the chronic was not only the auction’s most expensive book, it also realized the evening’s strongest increase.
Second place is for the main work of Hugo Grotius. His "De iure belli ac pacis libri tres" (lot 62) climbed from a starting price of € 40.000 to the impressive result of € 126.000*, which was granted by the library Bibliotheek van Het Vredespaleis in The Hague. Now the first print of the first edition of the fundamental writing on international law, of which there is only one other copy in existence, can not only be admired in Oxford but also in the Netherlands.
Another top lot is Carel Allard‘s "Orbis habitabilis oppida et vestitus" (lot 56), which went to the hands of a private collector in the Netherlands. With a result of € 42.000*, he stood his ground against a quite tough competitor from Northern Germany and can now call this extremely rare and splendidly colored copy his own.
Almost as expected, the "Postilla tatai esti..." (lot 10) by Johnnaes Bretke went to a Lithuanian collector. He honored the extremely rare only edition of the comprehensive collection of Lithuanian sermons with a result of € 39.000* and thus doubled its estimate.
Another great increase was realized by "The whole art of navigation; in five books" (lot 18) by Daniel Newhouse. Called up with € 11.000, the rare first edition, which has not been offered on the German auction market for sixty years, was not only extremely sought-after by German bidders, it also awoke a lot of interest abroad. A French antiquarian allowed a result of € 29.000* and thus relegated bidders from, among others, Great Britain to places second and beyond.
With a result of € 28.000* (starting price € 17.000) a remarkably well-preserved copy of the atlas of Germany by Joan Blaeu, adorned with 96 colored and gilt-heightened copper maps remained in Germany, while the first edition of a scientific tractate on the "French disease", the syphilis, by Nicolaus Leonicenus went across the ocean to the USA. An antiquarian honored this medical text with a result of € 25.000* (starting price: € 20.000).
Much sought-after by half a dozen bidders was the first print of the Missale Romanum (lot 13) from the printshop of Georg Stuch, which was called up at € 6.000. A private collector from France had the longest staying power and won over his competitors with a result of € 20.000*.
The "Buch der Chroniken und Geschichten" by Hartmann Schedel, (lot 11) released in a strong contemporary coloring in Nuremberg in 1493 is the most richly illustrated incunable of all. Additionally, it contains the oldest printed map of Germany. Since this copy of the chronic is very well-preserved and complete, it was no surprise that there were several five- and six-digit written bids, a lively auction room and 14 phone bidders from, among others, Belgium, France, Germany, Great Britain, the Netherlands and Norway competing for this rarity. Called up at € 40.000, the bids soared immediately and the vehement bidding skirmish did not stop before it had reached heights of € 264.000*. Thus the chronic was not only the auction’s most expensive book, it also realized the evening’s strongest increase.
Second place is for the main work of Hugo Grotius. His "De iure belli ac pacis libri tres" (lot 62) climbed from a starting price of € 40.000 to the impressive result of € 126.000*, which was granted by the library Bibliotheek van Het Vredespaleis in The Hague. Now the first print of the first edition of the fundamental writing on international law, of which there is only one other copy in existence, can not only be admired in Oxford but also in the Netherlands.
Another top lot is Carel Allard‘s "Orbis habitabilis oppida et vestitus" (lot 56), which went to the hands of a private collector in the Netherlands. With a result of € 42.000*, he stood his ground against a quite tough competitor from Northern Germany and can now call this extremely rare and splendidly colored copy his own.
Almost as expected, the "Postilla tatai esti..." (lot 10) by Johnnaes Bretke went to a Lithuanian collector. He honored the extremely rare only edition of the comprehensive collection of Lithuanian sermons with a result of € 39.000* and thus doubled its estimate.
Another great increase was realized by "The whole art of navigation; in five books" (lot 18) by Daniel Newhouse. Called up with € 11.000, the rare first edition, which has not been offered on the German auction market for sixty years, was not only extremely sought-after by German bidders, it also awoke a lot of interest abroad. A French antiquarian allowed a result of € 29.000* and thus relegated bidders from, among others, Great Britain to places second and beyond.
With a result of € 28.000* (starting price € 17.000) a remarkably well-preserved copy of the atlas of Germany by Joan Blaeu, adorned with 96 colored and gilt-heightened copper maps remained in Germany, while the first edition of a scientific tractate on the "French disease", the syphilis, by Nicolaus Leonicenus went across the ocean to the USA. An antiquarian honored this medical text with a result of € 25.000* (starting price: € 20.000).
Much sought-after by half a dozen bidders was the first print of the Missale Romanum (lot 13) from the printshop of Georg Stuch, which was called up at € 6.000. A private collector from France had the longest staying power and won over his competitors with a result of € 20.000*.
Other lots more than just worthwhile mentioning:
Lot no. |
Author / Publisher |
Title | Starting Price |
Result |
79 | M. De Cervantes Saavedra | El ingenioso hidalgo Don Quixote ... |
€ 19.000 | € 24.000* |
32 | Friedrich H. W. Martini | Neues syst. Canchylien-Cabinet |
€ 19.000 | € 24.000* |
181 | Reineke Fuchs – Reynke Voß | € 15.000 | € 18.000* | |
23 | E. Blackwell | Herbarium … | € 12.000 | € 18.000* |
654 | Daniel Meissner | Libellus novus politicus … | € 8.000 | € 16.800* |
43 | Bernhard Moritz | Bilder aus Palästina, Nord-Arabien... |
€ 6.500 | € 14.400* |
The highlights of the auction of Maritime and Northern German Art, which preceded the Rare Books, were made by Friedrich Ahlers-Hestermann and William Gaye York. While the "Garten auf Korsika" (lot 1848) went to a Northern German gallery for € 11.280*, the "Flensburger Fregattschiff 'Peter Jordt'..." sailed to New York for a result of € 8.400*. The starting price for each work was at € 7.000.
Some more interesting objects can be purchased in the post auction sale until 17 December 2010.
* The result is the hammer price + 20 percent buyer’s premium.Some more interesting objects can be purchased in the post auction sale until 17 December 2010.
* The percentage indicates the ratio between starting price (limit price) and hammer price.
Your contact for press inquiries: | Your contact in the department of Rare Books : |
Ketterer Kunst | Ketterer Kunst |
Joseph-Wild-Str. 18 | Am Meßberg 1 |
81829 Munich-Riem | 20095 Hamburg |
Michaela Derra M.A. | Christoph Calaminus / Christian Höflich |
phone:+49-(0)89-55244-152 (fax: -177) | phone:+49-(0)40-374961-11 / -20 (fax: -66) |
e-mail: m.derra@kettererkunst.de | e-mail: infohamburg@kettererkunst.de |

Michaela Derra, M.A.
Ketterer Kunst GmbH & Co. KG
z. Hd. Michaela Derra
Joseph-Wild-Str. 18
81829 Munich
Tel.: +49 89 55 244 152