Ketterer opens new House for Art with a million dollar Nolde

Munich, 15 October 2008, (kk) - On 29 November Ketterer Kunst opens the doors of its new Munich headquarters. Guests will then be able to take a first tour of the new House for Art while keeping an eye on the 1909 Emil Nolde "Landscape" (estimate: € 800 000-1 200 000) which is to lead off at the inaugural auctions on 3 and 4 December.
Covering some 3500 square meters and three floors, the new house for art in the immediate vicinity of Neue Messe Munich comprises a state-of-the-art auction room, a generous amount of exhibition space, an art lounge with a readers’ corner, a coffee bar with cosmopolitan ambience and what is probably the world’s biggest art show window at 8 metres high by 23 metres wide.

The triad of works to lead off at the inaugural auction of Modern Art, along with the Emil Nolde oil painting mentioned above, a vibrantly glowing "landscape of the soul", and the Nolde watercolour "Seebüll unter blau-violettem Himmel" ["Seebüll beneath a Blue-Purple Sky"] (estimate: € 140 000-180 000), also includes an August Macke watercolour (estimate: € 300 000-400 000). Macke painted "Frauen am See (Die Landung)" ["Women by a Lake (Landing-Stage)"] in 1913 while on holiday in Switzerland. This snapshot of an idyllic scene flooded with light is sure to captivate many art lovers as it radiates not only spontaneity and freshness but also tranquillity and relaxing recreation.
The same holds for two oil paintings by Max Liebermann and Hermann Max Pechstein, respectively (estimate: € 250 000-350 000 each). Whereas "Der Nutzgarten in Wannsee nach Westen" [“The Kitchen and Cutting Garden Looking West”] features a charming jumble of vegetables and flowers, Pechstein’s "Nach der Heimkehr" [“Homeward Bound”] is about fisherman coming home with their catch.
Another work to make the auction room tingle is "Cariatide" [“Caryatid”] (estimate: € 100 000-120 000) by Amedeo Modigliani. Done c. 1911, this drawing in blue chalk and pencil is in an extremely successful in-house tradition. In June this year - a repeat performance echoing 2006 and 2007 - a similar work nearly quadrupled its estimate of € 120 000 to sell for € 425 000*. Another Modigliani drawing in chalks, "Tête de femme" (1913) will spark off bidding skirmishes (estimate: € 100 000-150 000).
Figuring prominently in the Modern Art division are important works by Hanns Bolz ("Flechtheim Portrait"; estimate: € 18 000-24 000), Max Liebermann ("Loving Couple ..."; estimate: € 70 000-90 000), Franz Marc ("Landscape"; estimate: € 180 000-200 000), Wilhelm Morgner ("Portrait of a Man"; estimate: € 70 000-90 000), Pablo Picasso ("Bacchanale au taureau noir"; estimate: € 60 000-80 000), Leo Putz ("Peaceful Days"; estimate: € 80 000-120 000), Karl Schmidt-Rottluff (Prints portfolio-10 woodcuts; estimate: € 90 000-120 000) and Arnold Topp ("Landscape with Red Figures", estimate: € 70 000-90 000).

A. R. Penck’s "Ohne Titel (Y/2)" ["Untitled (Y/2"] might be yours for € 150 000-250 000. Painted in synthetic resin in 1977, the work is in 14 parts. It reveals the full gamut of this versatile artist’s formal language, ranging from the figurative to the abstract and sign-like. Another A. R. Penck, "Aus: Irak-Serie" ["From: Irak Series"], is an abstract and reductive portrayal of man in a world he himself has created. Painted (1985) in oil on canvas, it enters the lists carrying an estimate of € 40 000-60 000.
Measuring 2.90 by 3.30 m, the Norman Bluhm oil painting "Cloud Chambers" (estimate: € 70 000-90 000) will certainly attract more than just a quick look. The same can be said for Jean Riopelle’s "Composition" in oils (estimate: € 60 000-80 000), Sigmar Polke’s "Knochen-Mobile" ["Bone-Mobile"] (estimate: € 50 000-70 000), Daniel Richter’s untitled 2005 oil painting (estimate: € 50 000-60 000) and Jonathan Meese’s "Don Knurrhahn (Self-Portrait)", which is estimated at € 55 000-65 000. Other important works to be called are by such distinguished artists as Lynn Chadwick, Antoni Clavé, Jörg Immendorff, Kenneth Noland and Emil Schumacher.
The inaugural auction will be complemented by two special auctions: at the auction Side lines of the German Avant-garde, which by now is almost a tradition, more than 100 works by the likes of Curt Ehrhardt, Moriz Melzer, Hermann Mühlen, Fritz Schaefler, Louis Seel and Fritz Stuckenberg are to go under the hammer while the special auction devoted to the collection Stiftung Kunst und Recht [Foundation Art and Law] features a total of 23 works with estimates ranging from € 2000 - € 250 000. All are to be called at half their lower estimates. The highlight of the collection Stiftung Kunst und Recht is Emil Schumacher’s "Mabudan", which carries an estimate of € 150 000-250 000 (see separate press release).
Auction venue:
Ketterer Kunst, New House for Art, Joseph Wild Strasse 18, 81829 Munich.
Auctions begin:
03 December4.30 pm Side lines of the German Avant-garde
5.30 pmModern Art
December5.30 pmStiftung Kunst und Recht Collection
followed by POST 1945/Contemporary Art
5.30 pmModern Art
December5.30 pmStiftung Kunst und Recht Collection
followed by POST 1945/Contemporary Art
Pre-sale viewings have been scheduled for the following dates, times and venues:
Mo 17 November - Th 20 November, 11 am-5 pm (selected works)
Ketterer Kunst, Meßberg 1, Hamburg
Mo 17 November - Th 20 November, 11 am-5 pm (selected works)
Ketterer Kunst, Meßberg 1, Hamburg
Sa 22 November - Fr 28 November, 11 am-7 pm (selected works)
Ketterer Kunst, Fasanenstr. 70, Berlin
Sa 29 November, 11 am-6 pm (all works)
Su 30 November, 11 am-6 pm; from 11 am: Advent brunch
Mo 01- Tu 02 December, 10 am-8 pm
Ketterer Kunst, Joseph Wild Strasse 18, Munich-Riem
Ketterer Kunst, Fasanenstr. 70, Berlin
Sa 29 November, 11 am-6 pm (all works)
Su 30 November, 11 am-6 pm; from 11 am: Advent brunch
Mo 01- Tu 02 December, 10 am-8 pm
Ketterer Kunst, Joseph Wild Strasse 18, Munich-Riem
* The sale price equals hammer price + 18 per cent surcharge on hammer prices exceeding € 200 000
Press enquiries:
Ketterer Kunst
Joseph-Wild-Str. 18
81829 Munich
Michaela Derra
Tel.: +49 (0)89-55244-0 or -152
Fax: +49 (0)89-55244-166
Ketterer Kunst
Joseph-Wild-Str. 18
81829 Munich
Michaela Derra
Tel.: +49 (0)89-55244-0 or -152
Fax: +49 (0)89-55244-166
Rare Books enquiries:
Ketterer Kunst
Am Meßberg 1
20095 Hamburg
Christoph Calaminus / Christian Höflich
Tel.: +49 (0)40-374961-11 / -20
Fax:+49 (0)40-374961-66
Ketterer Kunst
Am Meßberg 1
20095 Hamburg
Christoph Calaminus / Christian Höflich
Tel.: +49 (0)40-374961-11 / -20
Fax:+49 (0)40-374961-66

Michaela Derra, M.A.
Ketterer Kunst GmbH & Co. KG
z. Hd. Michaela Derra
Joseph-Wild-Str. 18
81829 Munich
Tel.: +49 89 55 244 152