Sale: 459 / Modern Art I, Dec. 09. 2017 in Munich Lot 615

Franz Marc
Abstraktes Aquarell I, 1913/14.
€ 50,000 / $ 55,000
€ 50,000 / $ 55,000

(incl. surcharge)
Abstraktes Aquarell I. 1913 /14.
Watercolor over pencil drawing.
Schardt II/3. Lankheit 659. Hohberg/Jansen XXX p. 21. Lower left with date "21. 1914/3". Lower right inscribed "Nachlass Franz Marc best. Maria Marc". On firm brownish wove paper. 16.4 x 22 cm (6.4 x 8.6 in) , size of sheet.

PROVENANCE: Estate Franz Marc.
Galerie Otto Stangl, Munich.
Private collection New Jersey/USA.
Christie's, New York, 1996, lot 182.
Private collection Hesse.

EXHIBITION: Kunstmuseum Basel 1935.
Kandinsky, Marc, Macke, Hutton Gallery, New York 1969, no. 101.
Franz Marc 1880-1916, Graphisches Kabinett, art shop U. Voigt, Bremen 14 March - 30 April 1970, no. 38.
Franz Marc zum Zeichnerischen Werk, Lichtensteinische Staatliche Kunstsammlung, Vaduz 5 June - 1 August 1971, no. 31.
Mace - Marck, Pels-Leusden, Berlin 1977/78, no. 57.
Franz Marc. Zeichnungen und Aquarelle, Brücke-Museum, Berlin 3 September - 29 October 1989 / Museum Folkwang, Essen 12 November - 11 February 1990 / Kunsthalle Tübingen 24 February - 29 April 1990, no. 174.
Franz Marc. Kräfte der Natur. Werke 1912-1915, Staatsgalerie moderner Kunst, Munich 2nd December 1993 - 13 February 1994 / Westfälisches Landesmuseum, Münster 6 March - 15 May 1994, no. 79.
Franz Marc. Die Retrospektive, Städtische Galerie im Lenbachhaus und Kunstbau München 17 September 2005 - 8 January 2006, no. 234.

LITERATURE: Frederick S. Levine, The Apocalyptic Vision, The art of Franz Marc as German Expressionism, 1979, p. 149-150, illu. 50.
Linie, Licht und Schatten. Meisterzeichnungen und Skulpturen der Sammlung Jan und Marie-Anne Krugier-Poniatowski, ex. cat. Berlin/Venice/Madrid 1999/2000, p. 410.
"The things speak: they have a will and a form, why should we interrupt? There is nothing smart we'd have to say."
Franz Marc, quote after: Hermann Bühnemann. Franz Marc. Zeichnungen - Aquarelle. Munich 1952, p. 40.

Abstract works by Franz Marc combine vegetable forms and geometrical forms in a balanced composition. The colored segments of a circle in right of the image call reminiscence of works by Robert Delaunay, while the soft motif in left can be ascribed to Marc‘s typical style. What makes this work so interesting is how the left part of the composition enroaches upon the right part, which is clearly separated by the vertical dividing line. Another special aspect of this abstract drawing is how individual forms interlock, which hints at a greater compository context. The harmony of colors - the decisive element to add composure and expression to the watercolor - is particularly captivating. [KD/SM]

Franz Marc
Abstraktes Aquarell I, 1913/14.
€ 50,000 / $ 55,000
€ 50,000 / $ 55,000

(incl. surcharge)