Sale: 559 / Rare Books, Nov. 25. 2024 in Hamburg Lot 424000452


Roger Joseph Boscovich
Philosophiae Naturalis Theoria, 1759.
Estimate: € 1,200 / $ 1,320
Information on buyer's premium, taxation and resale right compensation will be available four weeks before the auction.
Roger Joseph Boscovich
Philosophiae naturalis theoria redacta ad unicam legem virium in natura existentium. Wien, Kaliwodiana 1759.

Zweite Ausgabe des grundlegenden Werks. "The birth of atomic physics" (PMM).

"Boskovich's theory influenced the position of nineteenth-century field physics with regard to the relations between space and matter; it was employed by Faraday and Kelvin, and J. J. Thomson used its curve of forces to introduce the earliest concepts of atomic physics" (Norman). - Titelauflage der Erstausgabe von 1758, mit dem neu hinzugekommenen Blatt "Adnotanda, et corrigenda".

EINBAND: Blindgeprägter Kalblederband d. Zt. mit Goldschnitt. 21,5 : 17 cm. - ILLUSTRATION: Mit 4 gefalteten Kupfertafeln. - KOLLATION: 1 (st. 2) Bl., 16 S., 10 Bll., 322 S., 2 Bll. - ZUSTAND: Ohne das Bl. Monitum (dt. Erinnerung) zu Beginn. - Tls. geringfüg. gebräunt, vord. flieg. Vorsatz entfernt. VDeckel mit kl. Wurmspur. Sonst guterhaltenes Exemplar.

LITERATUR: Vgl. PMM 203; DSB II, 326; Riccardi I, 1870, 53 (EA 1758).

Second edition of Boskovic's most important work. With 4 engr. folding plates. Contemp. blindtooled calf with gilt edges. - Lacking the prelim leaf "Monitum". Partly minor browning, front fly-leaf removed. Front board with small wormtrace. Else well-preserved.

Roger Joseph Boscovich
Philosophiae Naturalis Theoria, 1759.
Estimate: € 1,200 / $ 1,320
Information on buyer's premium, taxation and resale right compensation will be available four weeks before the auction.