Sale: 305 / Rare Books, Nov. 13./14. 2006 Lot 502

Crusenius, N. - Monasticon Augustinianum

Crusenius, N.
Monasticon Augustinianum, 1623.
€ 400 / $ 440
€ 738 / $ 811

(incl. surcharge)
Crusenius, N., Monasticon Augustinianum in quo ominum ordinum sub regula S. Augustini militantium ... explicantur. With engr. title, 10 copperplates and 1 fullpage text engraving. Munich, Joh. Hertzroy 1623. Contemp. vellum. Folio. 10 ll. (incl. engr. title), 262 pp., 8 ll.
VD 17, 12:107003N. - Jöcher I, 2232. - Only edition, scarce. - The fine and detailed engravings by B. Moncornet showing history scenes of the Augustininan order. - Partly minor waterstaining and slight browning, title bears ownership inscription of the "Monasterij S. Crucis Augustae" and old libr. stamp. - Engr. heraldic bookplate of "Ioannes Praepositius Sanctae Crucis Protonotarius Apostolicus - 1615".

Crusenius, N.
Monasticon Augustinianum, 1623.
€ 400 / $ 440
€ 738 / $ 811

(incl. surcharge)